Thoughts on “Of Mice and Men” + Historical Background

I’ve read majority of the book so far, somewhere in the 70’s-80’s I left off. If your not around there I suggest not reading my post any  further. (*spoilers*)

Anyway books awesome so far, I guess for me, I couldn’t put the book down after the introduction of all the ranch hands.  Lennie and George’s plan was also reveled and I can can only feel this dream of theirs will most likely not be fulfilled.   As this “secret” plan is slowly being leaked out.  I’d also liked to say that those photos from 1943 where absolutely amazing. I really didn’t know that high of a quality color film existed back then.  It was honestly weird seeing all these people and things, that you would normally see in a black and white photo, in full color! Just plain awesome.

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1/3 Of Mice and Men

I’m no stranger to Steinbeck having read  The Pearl and Grapes of Wrath. With my own brand of confidence I felt like I knew what to expect until I read Mcitowicki’s post and the ending was revealed. Now, I’m in a frantic rush to get to the ending. Instead of wondering where this story is going, I’m wondering how it got to that point.

  1. What happened in the middle?
  2. How could things have turned out so badly?
  3. What could Lennie have done to deserve that?

These are the primary questions I want answered. Steinbeck’s characters always seem to have the best intentions but nothing ever goes to plan which brings back the point of the title and the poem To A Mouse, Burn.

“The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often awry,”Burns.


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of stein and beck

I had some lingering dislike of Steinbeck in general (and Of Mice and Men in
particular) in the back of my mind, but couldn’t quite remember why… Well, now I
can: it’s the !@#$% ambivalence.

On the one hand, I love how he wrote. It’s not prolific or anything (not even faux-prolific,
in my opinion): the writing’s simple, the subject matter’s simple and everything just
flows together. The whole book took me a few hours to finish and, save for the
fact that I hated it, I enjoyed it very much.

On the other hand, I never understand why, given the breadth of things they could
write about, so many writers focus on the negative. I mean, I get why: I just
don’t understand it.

I guess the short of it is that I loved Lennie and Lennie got his brains blown out
by his best friend. It’s not that I expected them to actually get their little farm
together, or run into the sunset or something, but considering how lovingly Steinbeck
crafted his characters, how he treated them simply hurt.

Which I guess was sorta the point…

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Reaction To Desiree’s Baby

overall the story was very good. The theme of this story is very much lived today. race and racism are two very controversial issues that effect everyone. in the story Armand is portrayed  confident and superior to all the slaves and because he comes from a well know white family he treats African American very unfairly. he’s the typical cruel master which leads to the destruction of Desiree and her baby. the end was a great twist. I didn’t expect it at first because the begin starts slow.

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jessica’s Intro

Hello my name is Jessica. My major is liberal Arts and Science. So far the only thing that grabs my attention when reading is the newspaper. I would often read magazines but that’s mainly because I’m in a waiting room and there’s nothing to do. Hopefully by the end of this semester that will all change.

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Pictures from the Depression

I found these rare and breathtaking color pictures from the Great Depression. They really help me visualize the world Steinbeck portrayed.

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Some history for Of Mice and Men

The Migrant Experience, prepared by Robin A. Fanslow at the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

We’re going to go over this material in class together on Sept 12. (You are not required to read it in advance.)

Wondering what a “jerkline skinner” is? Here’s some information on farming and freight uses of mule teams.

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Karmen’s Reading Response to Desiree’s Baby

Oh my god!  This is such a heart breaking story!

As Desiree found out and questioned Armand about their child, Armand accused Desiree that she is not white.  At that point I was thinking that how much can Armand love Desiree that he treats her like that after knowing their child is not white?  When Desiree was trying to defend herself pointing out that she has gray eyes, brown hair, and light skin, I was screaming “Armand, really?  How about saying you are not white?” inside of my head.  At the end, when the story revealed that Armand’s mother “belongs to the race that is crused with the brand of slavery” I was shock!

The ending makes me wonder, when did Armand read his mother’s letter?  Why can’t he still love Desiree and their child the way he used to love them regardless what had happened?  For Armand, this might be a decision between love and family pride.  In that case, Armand had chosen the path of keeping the name of his family.

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Reaction to Desiree’s Baby

I completely agree with some of my classmates about this story being much more easier to understand and follow.  What really catches my eye is the fact that it is short and to the point while still being very descriptive of the situation at hand, making it rather interesting. I have to say my favorite part was the ending, although I kind of had a feeling that it was gonna end that way. It just comes to show how some people are quick to judge and hate on others, when really they don’t even know themselves well enough.

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Hello i am Richard Chance and its my second year in city tech. My major is Graphic Communications, i want to go more in illustration. People say im lazy but the truth is i am usually just sleepy. So that pretty much it.

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