Category Archives: reading journal

Wife of Bath’s

HOLY MOLEY! I forgot how long her prologue was. Now I know why I never was interested in the Canterbury Tales. My senior year of high school I had to read everyone’s prolouges and it was so boring that i … Continue reading

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Recreation Vs. Procreation

I’ve started the Wife of Bath’s Prologue and I wanted to discuss the theme of Sexuality vs. Spirituality. As I read Lines 58 to Lines 125 I realized how much we take the sexual revolution of the 1960’s for granted … Continue reading

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Ode to Prolixity

I have this recurring nightmare about waking up in the middle ages and trying to justify my existence (atheism and all) to the <sarcasm> greatest </sarcasm> minds of the time that reading Chaucer reminded me of with startling clarity. On … Continue reading

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Reading Journals

This is the place to keep your reading journals. Over the course of the semester, you should post at least five responses to the assigned readings, and respond to classmates as often as you can.  These responses do not need … Continue reading

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