M. Brown | COMD1127 - HD39 | Fall 2021

Type Talk: Poetry Foundation by Pentagram


Logos done by Pentagram’s Michael Bierut, for Poetry Magazine.

  • Observe the varied ways in which the typography is used as the main component of the design/brand id for the Poetry Foundation.
  • Do you think the overall concept works?
  • Which one or ones of these do you think works the best and why?
  • Observe the variety of ways in which the typography is the concept, illustration.
  • Comment using the correct design/typography vocabulary that you are developing. For example, the use of typography within the varied classifications (Serif, Sans Serif, Script, etc).

Due Date

  • Due posted in one half hour or specified time and date




  1. Layla_Flores

    I believe the concept of the typography they use works very well. Their magazine covers have all the categories of type such as old style, transitional, modern, etc and the fonts they use within these categories are mostly novelty. This makes their brand stand out and it represents their mission statement very well as they state that their mission is to, “to print the best contemporary poetry, of any style, genre, or approach”. They do so by making the type they use as diverse as the poems they include. The different type they use is also a creative way to pull in readers who might not have been interested in poetry before but will pick up the magazine for the bright and creative magazine cover. The ones I believe work the best are the covers which are written in sans serif as it creates a cleaner look and when it is combined with artwork it makes the cover pop more with its simplicity and creativity. Overall, the cover itself is an art piece which matches the art of poetry.

  2. Keron Harris

    The difference styles of typography they use functions admirably. The Magazine cover stood out more by using the different categories of type in their work such as Modern, Egyptian, Old Style, Traditional, etc… which brought it out more by their use of point sizing, letter-spacing, kerning, linespace, and type alignment with bight colors to draw readers attention. This makes the brand leave a very creative and unique impression on readers to draw them into their Magazine while fully capturing and maintaining their goal “to print the best contemporary poetry, of any style, genre, or approach”. The one I feel works the best is Typography on collateral breaks apart single words like lines of verse. The reason behind this choice is simply due to the fact that its clean, it stand out, and its easy to under stand in my opinion and the way they use one of the most identifiable classifications of type sans serif.

  3. Tamaric Hyppolite

    To me the concept is unclear because I don’t understand what they are trying to portray. However the overall designs of the covers are very interesting and they do catch the viewer’s eye easily. Most the covers are in bold fonts but what’s fascinating is that some of the cover combine real life objects to create the text, like the lipstick one or the hands in sign language. Whats even more interesting is that some covers combine different type faces like serif, san serif and script, which the view can interpret in different ways. The one I think works the best is the one with the white background and blue cartoonish text because when I think of poetry I think of creativity and free, and that cover reminds me the most of those two words

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