Instruction manual

After spending some time researching the criteria of what it takes to make a good instruction manual, I have found that simplicity is a key concept when creating a manual. I say simplicity because things such as plain language, and non over complicated images tend to convey the message in a much more comprehensible way, regardless of the audience. After looking through assembly, policy, and procedure manuals one common trait they all have is the straight forward ‘plain’ language that aims to reduce all forms of misinterpretation.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Absolutely true — simple language is really the key to a good instruction manual. On the other hand, what is “simple” to an audience of professionals can be very “complicated” for an audience of beginners. Question: what manuals did you look at specifically? You said you looked at three different kinds, so I’m curious what they were.

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