Author Archives: nahid arman


1/ Gupta  Natasha , Irwin Julia D.(  Feb2016). In-class distractions: The role of Facebook and             the primary learning task. Computers in Human Behavior. Vol. 55, p1165-1178.



2/Lai, Chun, Li, Xiaoshi, Wang, Qiu (Aug2017). Students’ perceptions of teacher impact on their self-directed language learning with technology beyond the classroom: cases of Hong Kong and U.S.  Educational Technology Research & Development , Vol. 65 Issue 4, p1105-1133.
3/Nel, Liezel(Sep2017) Students as collaborators in creating meaningful learning experiences in technology-enhanced classrooms: An engaged scholarship approach. British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol. 48 Issue 5, p1131-1142.


4/ Chen, Huei-Yen Winnie, Donmez, Birsen (Jun2016)What drives technology-based distractions? A structural equation model on social-psychological factors of technology-based driver distraction engagement. Accident Analysis & Prevention. Vol. 91, p166-174.


5/ SPARKS, SARAH D. (6/3/2015) “Technology, Distraction, and Student Performance”. Education Week. , Vol. 34 Issue 32, p4-4.