Writing is a person’s way of letting others see the emotions that one has in his/her head. It is a way that people express their feelings whether its good or bad. Writing is ones way of relaying an important message to the world, or just a small group. People live through writing and portray it in different ways, whether it being through physical print, or speech. We acknowledge writing every day in different ways, it can be reading instructions on how to cook Ramen or your favorite meal or through Music since they write songs that we listen too and love. Although its music and a algorithm on how to cook, It’s still meaning behind the words or text that was of course written with purpose behind it.

Revising is when you reread what you have written and then you realize that this isn’t how you wanted the message to come off, or you made a typo while typing, or even a grammatical error.  Basically when you find a mistake and your work and change it to make it better and if it helps relay the message in a more powerful yet understanding way.

English Class is where us as writers grow and work on our craft. English class has been mandatory since kindergarten to college. That’s how you know that being able to evolve our diction while writing and the structure in which we write is very important. Therefore, English class is made for us to combine what we all learned in the past to now and apply it what we soon learn in college. It helps us improve our real world abilities such as speaking, filling out job applications, and reading contracts. So English class is a very important part of us as a student or simply a person in America.