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Intro to English-Marc Polidor

Hey my name is Marc Polidor. One word I would use describe my feelings toward this course is stressed.  I’m stressed out about college level English because all throughout high-school, teachers keep telling you college level English is no joke, and they be talking about these 12+ page papers and etc. Hearing all of that kind of made me worried about college level English, but i’m here now so hopefully I can handle it.  About being an online student, I don’t mind doing courses online at all. I actually rather learn through zoom then meeting in person because I get to do everything at home where I’m most comfortable and relaxed.

I chose this apple music picture because apple music has always been there for me when I’m super stressed out. So anytime I’m feeling overwhelmed or I need to re calibrate, I’d just listen to music for a hour or two and i’m usually back to normal.

The story behind my name is very simple. My dad’s name was Marckenzie so he took the first half of his name and gave it to me, and as for my middle name which is Rossini, its my dad’s favorite artist in Haiti, so he just named me after him.  I am glad my dad named me Marc because since its so simple, people won’t really forget my name so that’s nice.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Nice story about your name! Most people don’t get to be named after an artist, and so interesting that music is your place to get re-set. (Me, too!).

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