World Line 1:

Lucas’ nose instantly turned red. The intense pain made him close his eyes. He kept waving his arms, trying to find the attacker. At this time you decide:

A – You can do anything for victory and revenge. Take advantage of it now! His eyes can’t see. Attack him quickly and fiercely.

B – A real gentleman disdains taking advantage of others, you decide to wait for him to recover. Fight again in dignity

(A):  It’s super effective! Because of the pain, Lucas can’t see anything now. (1-a)

(B):  Bad End: After he recovers, you decide to start fighting again. But you find that Lucas is stronger and faster than you, and he dodges all your attacks. Your attack is fast and powerful. “But nothing happened!” Then he knocks you down immediately. The pain makes you unable to move. The fear of the past seems to have resurfaced again. After that, you started to be bullied by Lucas every day

1 – a

While Lucas was out of sight, you slammed his weakness quickly and violently. Jaw, ribs, groin, and toes. You have not let go of any part that can be effectively hit. Your effective attack makes Lucas unable to move. Then you decide:

A – As long as he has not been knocked down, the battle is not over. Continue to attack until he is completely knocked down.

B – You have violated the gentleman’s way of fighting, and you can’t go on wrong. Let it end like this, tell the teacher all this. He has been defeated, the battle is over, stop.

(A):  Keep attacking! “Ora ora ora ora ora ora…… Ora!” Lucas, the one who used to bully you. Today I finally lost under your fist. You feel very excited. This is the greatest high. ( 1-a-2)

(B):  Just when you think so, the teacher has already arrived. Appeared at the end, but came a little earlier than the beginning. (1-a-b)

1 – a – 2

At this moment, Lucas slowly stood up. Just when you thought he was going to counter you and you were ready to attack him again. You saw a shocking scene. Lucas lowered his head and bowed deeply, “I’m sorry Atlas, I finally understand how stupid I was, I am ashamed of it.” Although you were surprised, you still decided:

A – Forgive him, he has realized his mistake. Give him a chance to be a good person. Blindly revenge will only extend the hatred and battle unlimited

B – Can’t forgive him! Just like he couldn’t let me go. The real revenge has just begun.

(A);  Happy End: After that, Lucas seemed to be a different person. Become very kind and friendly, and extremely hate bullying incidents. You, Atlas, have also become good friends with him. Although your friendship is based on bullying and fighting. But in the end, these did not affect you to become good friends. He never did anything wrong to you again, and you forgave everything Lucas did to you. A good high school life starts at this moment. The End

(B)  True End: After this, you seem to have become that fierce and cruel Lucas. And Lucas is more like that cowardly Atlas. Is it for revenge or to enjoy the pleasure of bullying others? You become stronger and horrible. Bullying and torturing Lucas every day. But you don’t seem to bully other people’s ideas, this may be your limit. The Dragon Slayer finally becomes the Dragon. The End

1 – a – b

“Hey! What happened here?” the teacher asked angrily, “Why is this person injured?” Just when you wanted to explain what happened here. Lucas was one step ahead, “Hey, miss. This person suddenly beat me for no reason.” You were surprised by Lucas. Just opened your mouth to say something, but you feel like you have nothing to say. At this time you decide:

A – You gave up because Lucas was the one who fell to the ground injured and you were the one who knocked him down while standing.

B – No, I can’t let this bastard succeed again. You tell the truth with anger.

C – That’s it? Is this your final escape route? It’s useless! Even in front of the teacher, I have to beat you up again.

(A):  True End: Sure enough, as you thought, everyone believed what Lucas said. You were dropped out of school for beating people for no reason. Even if you never see Lucas again, your student life ends here. Entering society early, doing boring work, just like a lake that cannot raise waves. Boring and peaceful. The End

(B):  Secret End: Your anger successfully attracted the teacher’s attention. After the teacher listened to your explanation, the school investigated the truth for you. You are right. Although a bit extreme, no one thinks what you did is wrong. Your event successfully attracted reporters. You went on TV and became a role model for all victims. Those who were bullied started revenge. Since then, there have been no bullying incidents in the world. The End

(C): Secret End: You successfully hit Lucas again in front of the teacher. The teacher is even more angry because of your actions. After the matter spread, you were dropped out of school. But you do not regret it, you feel comfortable physically and mentally. Even without a school, you can learn better. You are fascinated by the sea and marine life, and become an oceanographer after a long study. Also adopted a lovely daughter named Jolyne. Now, a happy life has just begun! The End