"Game On, Python!"

Story-Emmanuel Adu TuTu

My first experience with technology was when I was a young kid probably at the age of 7. I wasn’t introduced to technology like how today modern kids are being introduced to technology at their young ages. Growing up, I liked to rather go outside and play than to stay indoors. I saw and her about technology but I didn’t actually know how to use one myself, I remember it was this one day I decided to not go out and we had this computer in our room which we weren’t allowed to touch but with me wanting to know what was inside that thing and how it works, I turned it on and decided to work my way around things. I didn’t quite know what I was doing because the only time I will be around that computer was when my older siblings were using it, I have seen them open kinds of stuff but never had any idea how and when. I worked my way around and figured a lot of things by myself which made me liked the use of technology, at the age of 12 I was this kid who never wanted to leave the house no more because always I wanted to explore and find new things that have been hidden in the computer. Later at some point, my parents saw the kind of habit I have admitted upon myself and seized me to not be around the computer unless there was one of my siblings around it or using it. Since then, my interest in wanting to explore more about computers began to fade away. At age 15 was when I was allowed to use the phone, and with that, I kinda knew my way around It like mostly because it wasn’t that complicated compared to the use of a computer system. Something about computers always wanted me to strive and know about them but at some specific moment in time it started to fade away and I gained a lot more interest in something else.

1 Comment

  1. Xuefeng Zheng

    I mean my parents don’t want me put too much attention on technologies too. No matter phones or computers. Except for study. By their opinion, knowledge is most important thing for me. And I finally realized that is true when I grow up. I mean, technologies is for people to see the world wider. Not let people drowning into. But it’s not bad to feel interest with technology. Actually it is a good sign. Right now, the world is moving foward really fast. So it’s really important for people to be good on technologies. The world of technology is way more “beautiful” than you think.

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