"Game On, Python!"

Story – Xuefeng Zheng

My first experience with technology I think it was when I was four years old. We had a big black old TV. And that’s the first television I ever have seen. I used that watch cartoon. However, I always sleep at 7:00 p.m., my mom asked me to sleep because I gotta go to kindergarten the next day. However, it didn’t have many channels during that time. And sometimes if my mom went to my grandmother’s home, I will sleep with my daddy. He allowed me to watch a little be late. I used to have a lot of fun with it. The television is more interesting than toys. That’s what I feel when I was little. And some times I will go to see what’s behind the television. I was curious about how it showed people’s faces and how they make a sound. But what I saw were a bunch of lines and boards. I didn’t know what are those until I grew up. Anyways. I had a really great memory of that old TV.

For me, I don’t have a huge event or an important person that makes me choose my major, computer system. It all happened in about one second. Like something popped up in my mind which made me choose. So in the beginning, I wanted to be a teacher. I like the feeling about teach people and share my knowledge with people. So, I chose education as my major when I was in 11th grade. With a pre-major choosing event. After that, I did a lot of research about being a teacher. Like payment, how to teach, what grade should I teach? Β what made me change is when I found out the payment of being a teacher is very low at the beginning of your career age. And one day, I was talking with my computer science teacher. He is a really cool old man. We had a lot of conversations. Just right that moment, when we talked about video games. A thought came out of my mind. what if I choose a major about programing. So I can make my own video game, make big money. And when I retire, I can go to be a computer science teacher. Teaching kids about the digital world. Then, that idea kept growing up and I finally choose the major I choose now.


1 Comment

  1. Muneim Shahriar

    I had a similar experience in choosing my major. When I was in 11th grade I didn’t know what subject I should study on, and what career would be best fit for me. It was a really confusing time for me, so I consult with some guidance counselors in school, and I also talked with my friends and family, they all said the same thing in their own way, that you need to figure this out on your own. So I did some research on Google but nothing made me interested. But one day I went to a party and meet with a guy who really helped me to decide my career. He work’s in the IT department of a company, He talked about all the pros and cons about what he does, and it kinda inspired me. That’s why I choose this major ” computer information systems “.

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