When I began thinking about what type of game I needed to come up with, I first thought of the people who play the game and the people who can get influenced easily through something they might see whiles watching something or playing video games. My main goal was to set up something to regard how messed up some cultures are been interpreted and another goal was to also let people know how the misuse of culture can get people who plays it to believe in the things they see and put them into act most of the times. Coming up with the idea was not that simple and easy because I had to think about how to come up with the story and how it would fit with the topic I wanted to talk about or make a game about. At first I thought it was not gonna go as I had in my mindΒ  because I had many ideas but I just didn’t know how to make them into a story. The idea I came up with at the end also gave me a couple problems, having an idea about how to start was one issue and another was finding the continuation. But one thing I would say helped me through the process was reading the essay we did in unit two and setting up the play in mind and how it would play out if I put it in a form of a game.

Now that it is done, I feel like I did a good job coming up with such a thing that is so based on something that happens in real life. I feel like the main goal I wanted to create or set for my audience would finally happen, having hate hate toward someone because of how our favorite game makers and movie makers describes and represents them on our screens makes me wonder if this action continue and continue for that long, how will lives be and would people feel comfortable describing or representing their culture.