Game Title – Tora

Section 1 – Analysis 

    My game title is named after the main female protagonist “Tora” on the planet Oblivion. This planet is filled great advanced technology along with a population of great female doctors and great space hunters. The Females were mostly trained to be the doctors to the wounded men on the missions given. Tora was trained by her mother Ana  to be a doctor on the family Team EXO which also consisted of her brother Lou and Father Kilo. One day, a mission went wrong and the mother sacrificed her life to save Tora  after an ambush on a very rich planet dying in the ship back home to the planet. Although the mission was successful, the life of her mother was indeed lost causing Tora to go into a great depression. That is until her brother explaining to Tora that although she died physically, her spirit is forever there with them. This drove the team to want and exceed their skills and for Tora to be a great doctor, and a Great hunter. After training  for a couple months to make herself better she was ready to set out on a mission again.

(Present Time)

A year after Ana’s sacrifice, the team gets a request to go on a mission of high difficulty. They were assigned to go to planet Vector, a planet that has yet been touched by the people of Oblivion which made it a mystery. The mission was set for the next day and with the advanced technology, the voyage there and back should be a total of four days. With this, the team had time for last second and urgent preparations. They gather enough food for seven days just incase something went wrong, clothes, and of course equipment. The team had everything done and ready, now it was time for the last preparation which is to visit your mom’s grave as a family and pray. You all go home and go to sleep prepared for the mission in the morning. (Next Day) You all awaken, and get in the mission ship ready to take off. With a couple of last checkups, the ship is ready and the team takes off. On the ship is a couple activities to get time past such as games, TV, music, and of course board games. Finally after two days you spot the planet description. Dark Redish type of planet with little to no sunlight. As the ship got closer to the planet’s atmosphere something went wrong, the atmosphere was too dense causing the engine to fail. The ship goes crashing very fast at super speed, leaving no option for the team to hop out the ship with a parachute in order to land safely. The ship goes crashing into a bunch of trees in the distance leaving it completely wrecked along with everything else on board. The trio landed safely in the middle of this forest with no food or clothes and no sight of any help. There’s a loud roar in the distance meaning danger is near.

Surrounded by nothing but trees and the unknown the first thing that Tora does is use her communication device to connect with homebase. She lets HQ know that the ship has crashed and they need  someone to pick them up. HQ lets them know that help is on the way and try to survive until they arrive. Now its up for the team to survive and get home safe. The first decision is 1. As Tora, do you want to set up a campsite with nearby materials or 2. Do you want to explore the land to get even more familiar.

If you decide to go hunting you start gathering fruits and you begin hunting with your father as your brother stays back to build a little fort for two days. Everything is going calm and yall run into little beasts, big enough to feast on. You and your pops kill three and begin to drag them to your brother’s location on the GPS. As you get closer and closer a weird vibe occurs as you feel someone or something approaching you in the trees nearby. You turn around to see nothing so you think you safe. You take about 3 more steps to be met by a huge terrific beast with four legs. Almost like a overgrown wolf, a beast you never seen before. You and  your dad begin to fight the unknown beast.

If you decide to stay back, you and your brother set up a campsite for the two days with the trees nearby. Your father gives specific orders to not leave the designated area no matter what until he gives you the “ok” and goes out alone in order to look for more civilization and food for the squad to eat. Your pops seems to be taking a long time to come back as an hour passed since he left. You take out your communication device to see how far he is on the GPS. It states that he is nearby so you think everything is ok, until you hear a huge growl in the direction of your fathers location. You run to your fathers location.

Now If you selected choice number 1 then you and your father begin to fight the beast. The only weapon that the two of you have is a mini blade since everything else was in the ship. Your father signals for you to follow his lead and he goes in to attack it with you. The beast is fast, causing the fight to be tuff. The fight carries on, both you and your dad are both beat up. It gets quiet again and you signal to your dad saying that you need to somehow slow the animal down. He charges  beast with a blade, and the beast charges him alerting the beast who leaps after him. Your dad takes a fatal blow leaving him leaking blood. You go to run in with rage as the beast now turns his attention to you. With his last bit of energy, he grabs the beast and you go in for the kill. You strike the beast in the neck and kill it. Your dad is still alive but knocked out. He will not survive if you do not help him. You quickly go to your fathers aid in order to save his life.

If you select option 2 then you arrive to the battle field where you see your father head to head with a beast that you never seen before. Your father has scratches on his body and is slightly ruined, but now its a 3 v 1. Your brother made a bow and arrow to hunt from a distance. This allows you to stay quiet and far, but still able to kill. You tell him to give you the bow and arrow, and help out dad. He hands it over and goes running in to provide on ground help while you go climb in a tree to overlook the battle. You wait for the right moment to strike (which will be when the beast leaves it’s feet. Any other time will result in a miss.) to secure the kill. You wait and wait until the beast puts a beautiful 360 spin jump, leaping towards your brother. Your father goes in and kicks the beast, stopping the attack but his leg gets scratched in the process. Your brother uses his sword while the beast is in the air to then slash its eyes, but he too is struck (in the arm). While its in the air, you shoot the arrow aiming for the head and killing it. You manage to kill the beast. You and your brother help carry your pops to the campsite. You look at his wounds and realize that it’s not life threating and you patch them up.

Regardless you end up in the campsite. You skin the beast for fur and food in order to survive for two days. You cook and prepare the meals for for Squad until help arrives. Based on your decision, your father would be knocked out, or they will be up with minor injuries. Two days pass and help arrives, picking you and the squad up taking you to planet oblivion. After a safe travel back, your brother reports to the president about how brave you were and how helpful you were in the fight. He gives you and your family medals of honor. With your bravery, you inspire many women and young girls to be hunters and males to be doctors. You show how both can be useful.

Target Audience

This game is for teens and up because of the violence and possible death. I don’t want a kid exposed to people bleeding and almost die.


SHIP -Team EXO is Ready for take off in 3…2….1 (Ship leaves planet Oblivion)

Note: Your brother looks over at you and sees that you are zoning out

Lou – Hey sis you good?

A) Snap out of it and answer

B) Stay quiet and ignore the question

If A:

“I’m ok,  just trying to relax”

Lou – “Ok. Don’t stress out too much, we got this

If B:

Awkward Silence occurs making everything weird

Lou – “You don’t have to act like that… I understand how this feels”

“I know… the missions just don’t feel the same without mom”

Lou – “I miss her too. She still though, in spirit. Every mission we complete is for her honor.

“You know what, your right. Thank You!”

It’s day one on the ship, what would you like to do  as Tora? 

A) Play games

B) Go sleep and listen to music.


You go to the room and start playing games with Lou to pass time. With this time being spent, you feel happier and quickly forget about the dark thoughts.


You stay isolated from family to clear head until the next day. The dark thoughts go away after a longer time

The Team arrives over Planet Vector. A redish like planet

Kilo – “Lou and Tora, buckle up. We have arrived. Remember to stay on your toes and follow my command at all times.”

Both Lou and Tora – “Yessir”

Kilo begins to go into the atmosphere but something begins to happen to the ship 

*Ship Shaking uncontrollably and red lights begin flashing*

A) Ask ship what’s going

B) Ask dad what’s happening

If A:

Ship Responds – There is an engine failure please eject now

If B:

Kilo – “I don’t know…. Ship What’s going on?!”

Ship Responds – There is an engine failure please eject now

Team Exo presses the Eject Button and exits the crashing ship safely onto the ground. The ship crashes into the distance. 

Lou – “Is Everyone Ok?”

Everyone responds yes

“Let me contact HQ and tell them to pick us up ”

You Tell them what happened and that you need a pick up unit to come get yall.

Kilo – “Ok what do we do now?”

A) Me and Lou can build shelter while you get food

B) Me and Pa can go hunting while Lou builds a house




Section 2


Your dad leaves and you begin to gather materials with Lou.

An hour has passed so you wonder where your pops is at. 

” Do you think he’s safe? ”

Lou – “He’s tuff no doubt, he’ll be back.”

“Your right”

Although you agree, the sound of a dangerous growl can be heard nearby. As a result, you check the squad GPS. 

“Lou that growl came from the same direction that our dad is, I think we need to check that out”

Lou – “If you insist lets go”

You and Lou gear up and heads to your dad’s location

When you arrive, you see your dad toe to toe with a wild beast. You began to engage with weapons.

A ) Do you want the long range set

B) Medium to short range set

IF A) You shoot from a distance

IF B) You closer to the beast.

If you selected A then you end up being patient, waiting for the opening in the beast attack. Your father and brother are attacked by the beast while kicking it in the air in order to decrease the speed. You find the beast stuck in mid-air and shoots, striking and killing the wild beast. You save your team from receiving critical damage. If You selected B then you and your brother switch roles. You in the field with your father while your brother is shooting

Scenario B

If you selected B for the final choice in Act 1, this is your story

You and your pops head out the door and begin to hunt for food

“What do you think is out here?”

Kilo – “I don’t have a clue, but stay focused. We can’t afford a slip up”

It was a great session of hunting and yall gather enough food for a day. On the way back, a big evil growl is  heard approaching. 

Kilo – “What the hell was that??”

“I have noo clue, but it’s gotta be bad.”

You both turn around and take three steps, to be cut off by a wild wolf-like fast beast. The battle is about to begin

“I got your back, lets go”

The fight goes on for a hot minute. He charges  beast with a blade, alerting the beast who leaps after him. Your dad takes a fatal blow leaving him leaking blood.


You go to run in with rage as the beast now turns his attention to you. With his last bit of energy, he grabs the beast and you go in for the kill.

A) Aim for the Head

IF A: You strike the beast in the Head making it  a quick kill.

B) Aim for the Neck

IF B: You strike the beast in the neck and kill it slowly.

Your dad is still alive but knocked out. He will not survive if you do not help him. You quickly go to your fathers aid in order to save his life.