You are a 14-year-old boy named Atlas. Today is your first day in high school. You used to be very shy and timid, and your grades were not good. Often bullied by others. Someone scribbled on your desk, dumped trash on you while you were in the bathroom, and even beat you secretly. Even if you told your parents and teachers, it didn’t help. You thought about transferring to another school, but your parents did not agree with you because of work problems. You also thought about an escape by suicide, but you didn’t have the courage to face death. But this time was different. After seeing the man who had bullied you every day, Lucas was also attending this high school now. You decide to fight back against Lucas thoroughly so that no one would bully you again. What you have to do is to defeat that bastard who once didn’t treat you as a human from one of two aspects: eloquence, and violence.

Now! You will strike back with:

A – Violence

B – Eloquence

(A): You see Lucas is talking with someone, you walk over and touch his shoulder. When he turns around. “BAM” You punch his face with your biggest strength! (World Line 1)

(B): You see Lucas is talking with someone, you stand where you at and shout, “Yo, Lucas! Your daddy Atlas is here! Don’t be scared and don’t cry baby, daddy is here with you all the time~” (World Line 2)