Act 2 – Working Hard

After weeks of exhausting and unfulfilling work you are finally able to pay for one week of medical treatment for your fathers illness. You see a familiar face as you walk home from work late one night, it is your older friend Danny who you look up to because of his success

A – Approach him and tell him what your going through
B – Walk away from from him and go home

IF B –
He sees you anyway and approaches you (CONTINUE WITH A)

IF A –
You begin to tell him the situation about your father and he offers you a job at his company SocialLink. You accept quickly as you can now pursue your dreams working in the tech industry and you can be able to pay for your fathers treatment

You begin working with Danny and he takes you under his wing and you view him as an older brother. He begins telling you about his struggles growing up and he says that you and him are very similar as you both grew up in poverty and work hard to help your parents

He tells you to follow him and he leads you to a private room in the SocialLink headquarters. He begins to speak quietly and offers you an interesting opportunity.