The year is 2025, within the last 2 decades technology has rapidly evolved and the world is more connected than it has ever been. As a result world governments and corporations now have access to spy on your private lives. Privacy has gone completely out the window in this era of rapidly evolving technology and most consumers of technology are completely oblivious to the fact that their “private” lives are no longer private. You are a young boy named John and you grew up in poverty but you are very intelligent and digitally literate, and your parents believe you have a very bright future ahead of you but this all changes when your father becomes extremely ill and doctors refuse treatment unless they are paid. This leads you down an unexpected road and you end up having to make many decisions that will not only impact you but your country as a whole.

Act 1 – Tough Decision
Hello John, although you are young you must now make a tough decision, your father has become extremely ill and he has no medical insurance or emergency savings and you either

A- Leave college to work two jobs to help pay for medical treatment
B- Stay in college and hope your father recovers without treatment
C- Leave college and don’t work and watch the days slip depressed as your father slowly dies of his illness

If B or C is chosen John begins to see his fathers condition is worsening as the days go on and he continues with option A anyway.

You now have decided to leave school behind to see your father live, a very honorable thing to do. You find 2 jobs at a retail store and at a restaurant and work 14 hours a day for six days a week. You become visibly exhausted a few weeks in and you begin to doubt your strength but you continue to push forward.