"Game On, Python!"

Visual Map – Akash Patel

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    I think this works… Your spelling is making it hard for me. Were the parents shot? Did they commit suicide?

    One big problem I have is that I don’t see any apparent difference in the story between “Going Left” and “Going Right.” One way he looks for the girl and the other he gathers money? Aren’t they the same story? And I don’t see how the ending can split like that after all he goes through — he saves her and helps other kids, or he saves her and gives up on everybody else? You need to set it up so that we can believe BOTH of those endings; right now, I don’t see how he would choose a bad ending since he’s spent so much time helping her.

    In other words, the story doesn’t really examine who the main character is in a way that let us believe the bad ending.

    You need to re-think this and re-post it.

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