"Game On, Python!"

Muhammad Nasar_Visual Map

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This has the same problem your pitch did — it’s all backstory and not really a story with a goal at all. Is this about Cris or about Malik? Who is the main character? Whose journey are we on? The teacher might be the one who is having a crisis of confidence about himself as a teacher, and then he meets Cris — that would give him several choices at various places: help him initially or not, get him involved in something that turns out good or bad, give up on him at some point, go back to him or not, leave the school. See? This is all about Cris’ issues and not about a journey that anyone is on. If it’s about Cris, then we need to see him make choices — go to school, run away, go back, be mean to people who are trying to befriend him, work nicely with them teacher and then do something terrible, finally being faced with a choice that will make him a healthy person or keep him on the road to self-destruction.

    In other words, this still needs focus — pick a main character, figure out their strengths and weaknesses, and then make the other character a part of the story that challenges them to become better or worse (depending on the major branch outcome you choose).

    You need to re-think this and re-post it.

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