"Game On, Python!"

Pitch – Shon Mack Jr

The story is about a 18 year old female named Tora who’s set on a expedition alongside her father and brother. After the passing of her mother due to a lack of hunting skills. The father decides to train Tora and her brother in hunting efficiently. After a error with the ship’s engine, its up to Tora to hunt and help her injured brother and father until help arrives. Of course the situation will be new to our main character Tora, and she will be put in situations that forces her to think on the fly. The motive behind my game is to give support to any and all females that feel that they can’t do what us males do, and they are equally as important as us males. I want to have a game that supports female representation in video games, which is why my main protagonist is a female named Tora. I hope whoever plays my game understands the message behind this.

This game focuses on a female protagonist named Tora who at the time is 18 years old. She lives on the planet Oblivion which is made up of travelers who go planet to planet looking  for different minerals and food to bring back home. She was raised by her brother (Lou), father (Kilo) and mother(Ana). Although males were the fighters and the females were the doctors, her father trained Tora alongside Lou in combat. They all went on missions together and everything went smooth until one tragic mission by the name of Vector. The engine for they ship had a failure, leading into a crash landing.  Now, it’s up to Tora to use what she learned as both a doctor and hunter to protect the remaining members of her squad on a hostile planet with help being 4 days away. She will be faced with obstacles and challenges every minute, and every decision made is important. With all the pressure on her shoulders, will Tora be able to handle it? Or will she fold under pressure?

One issue i will have is of course using code in order to make the game. The different formulas can a lot. Also, I need to make sure that my story isn’t too long and not too short. The length of the story is important along with the details to hook the player into wanting more.


1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    This is good! You’ve got the makings of a nice, not too long IF story/game. Look at the Red Riding Hood example of a concept/visual map — that will let you take the next step. One thing to think about in terms of major branches (two or more different endings) is to think of best ending, worst ending, and not-so-bad ending: those are three different story paths right there. Of course, this shouldn’t be too long (the whole thing shouldn’t take more than 3-5 minutes to play), but I think you can do it nicely. Also look at the Text Box Template on the Announcements page for a way to think about setting up your boxes. Good job so far!

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