The planet Oblivion, home to many space travelers and doctors who take expeditions in squads to planets for minerals and food. It is also home to Tora, an 18 year old field medic, her brother (Lou), and father (Kilo) who are both space travelers trained in hunting. Being able to hunt is key on the field and is the reason why their planet strives. The common on the planet is that women should be doctors, and males should be the safe travelers. But, Tora is different due to the fact that she went against the general society norms. She encouraged her father to train her in the field of hunting after her mother’s death as a result of lacking them skills just a year and a half ago. That was a turning point in the family that made them so skilled and one of the best on squads on the planet, known as Squad Exo. The feeling of losing a loss one made them try hard to be the best at what they do. This also gave them access to the most dangerous missions on the most dangerous planets. This leads up to the mission given to them as a request. today, the scavenger mission on a undiscovered planet called Vector that most said has a 1% survival rate.

With no hesitation, they accepted the mission. It was almost a thrill ride, and they were set to deploy ASAP since the journey would take a total of 2 weeks to make it there and back. Squad Exo moved to the main HQ in order to prepare themselves for the mission. They packed all the gear, food, weapons, electronics, and healing equipment necessary for them to survive. Before every mission deploy, Tora has a ritual that is performed amongst her brother, father and herself. They go to the mothers grave and do a prayer that comes from the heart. It’s a sense of spiritual comfort to remember her as the great caring woman. Tora speaks from the heart as she places her flowers and a candle on the grave site. All three family members hold in their tears to seem strong, but it just doesn’t work and they begin to cry. Although they are sad they also have a sense of happiness. They believe that this is a form of good luck on the mission. After the ritual, they go and get on the ship, ready to embark on a dangerous adventure.  The vibe was great on the way back to the missions ship, until Tora entered the ship. She began to shake nervously at the fact that they were going to a planet of the unknown. Negative thoughts began to creep in, but with the help of her brother’s kind and relaxing words she was back in sanity. To ease her mind, he offers a gift that he holds close to his heart which helps him stay calm. It is a necklace gifted to him by their mother years ago. Now its time for a very long Journey. After a week of nice and calm flying, they fly over a very dark red planet that matches the same description of the planet Vector. They enter the orbit and something seems off about the ship. The controls began to go haywire and the left engine was completely ruined causing them to fall uncontrollably. They end up almost crash landing, but Tora pulls the emergency button landing which pulls the team up from the ship with a parachute as the ship crashes into some trees far in the distance. The squad lands safely, but all they have is weapons and no food nor technology. They look around with no signs of civilizations, but they hear ravishing beasts hungry and ready to maul them apart. This is completely out of Tora’s experience since the range of difficulty is far out of the range that she is used to.  The only thing left is for the Squad EXO to survive by all means and get to the ship. Will the whole squad make it? Will they all die? Its all up to the decisions made.

This story is meant to show how women can be just as much as an asset for situations even more than men. Throughout the their time on the planet alone, you will see a change in Tora’s character based on decision making and stability when times are rough. Every decision made can impact the overall impact of character