"Game On, Python!"

Pitch – Mohammad Mahee

The game that I will be creating is about a kid who grew in a family whose father is abusive and during the time of WWII. This story focuses on the boy, as he grew up how his beliefs and moral values changed the person for who he has become for the choices he made after being seen as a weak person in the military and being made fun of what values.

I think the structure of the game will be more of a hero’s journey, how Ross saved many lives without carrying a single weapon or harming anyone at the battle, proving what he believes and the values he has are something that very important for him. And, to begin the game, it will have a background of Ross, and he’s a connection to the military since both his father and his older brother enlisted in the army before him but his brother never returning from the battle. And, how Ross wanted to have a job as a Medic in the hospital, but never got the education to become one. But even though that didn’t happen, he decided to enlist in the army and serve as a medic in the war and save lives without carrying any weapon. And, how this journey became challenge for him as his values stand that he will not take anyone’s living in the war, but the commander orders him to use a rifle to fight in the war and if he doesn’t they will send him back. Then, the journey of how he overcomes this challenge makes it possible to go into the battle after his decision not carrying any weapon. After that, presenting his involvement in the battle and saving many lives even though he was left alone in the combat while everyone falls back to the ground from the ridge and the obstacles he faced to save the lives while the enemies were still on the ridge. Lastly, how his bravery, was rewarded with people’s respect that ones saw him as weakest in the group and was honored.

My concerns for the project is how I will be using the structure in the game to make the game work in python and the coding for it. Also, being able to finish it on time, and how I will be making it interactive to the audience. And, if its possible to add any visual graphics to and if so how will that work out in the python game.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    First, don’t worry about Python — once you get your game structure worked out, it will be fine.

    Second, I wish there was a way to add visuals but Python doesn’t do that. Sadly enough. If you want to add some images to your Artist’s Statement so that we can see what you were going for, that would be great!

    Third, I love the main branch of this story. Now, to make it IF, think about a worst ending and a not-so-bad ending as well; that will give you different branches to work through, choices to set up, and endings to head toward. Look at the Red Riding Hood example in the Resoruces section (look at their visual/concept map, and then back at their narrative text); that will give you a good idea of how to proceed from here.

    This is very good! I’m looking forward to seeing how you proceed with it.

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