"Game On, Python!"


So the issue I wanted to address is cultural appropriation and the reason I chose to address this issue is for the simple fact that we live in a current world right now where people most specifically creators and video makers take others culture and either do something bad about it or gives no credit to the actual people who celebrate the culture. So basically I made this story to set up an idea about how culture was seen observed wrongfully and how that kind of action needs to be seen and stopped. I just want my audience to know and understand something about how the use of culture wrongfully in games and movies creates actual hate towards the people in real life, I mostly want to focus on teens most importantly because, in the kind of work we live in right now, the teens are the ones to be manipulated and influenced easily due to how they always happen to find themselves online and since due to that, they gets influenced by anything that is been showed on their screens. And the second audience I would like to focus on next will be parents (Adults), I feel like they are the ones who got the power to educate their kids at home and control what they watch on their screens.

So this story is about Juny a hunter who lived by himself in a certain village called Ashanti, Juny was such a brave hunter since he could go to the forest and get whatever thing he wants without the help of anyone. He lived with his neighbors who lived a couple of miles away from him, and a certain day he woke up to find his meal being stolen and it was during a cold sunny winter too. At some point he had to ask help from one of his neighbors, they basically lived life somewhat peacefully since Juny mostly hunt and gets them some of the things he got from the forest to most of his neighbors. This whole story will be about how a kid who grew up watching TV thought and seen the culture that was been performed by the people of Ashanti to a treat to his life and the community he found himself from, the whole community looking up to Juny led him to make certain decisions that had a lot of impact on him, he had to sacrifice a whole lot of things to defend his culture and his village as a whole.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Great start! Wonderful approach about culture; I think this could make a really nice game story. When you start laying it out, think in terms of best ending, worst ending, and not-so-bad ending — that will give you three different story paths to work on. Of course, best and worst by themselves would be fine since this is a short game. But I like how the story and issues are shaping up.

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