"Game On, Python!"

Resposibility – Darly

In my opinion, the gaming and computer industry has an enormous impact on  society, gaming has become a scape from reality to a big number of people in the world and has helped them forget about their problems distracting them from what’s happening around them and this has is really important for society because it helps people to have better mental health that is very important in now days that most of the people worry about what others think about them and about their actions, when you are playing a video game you teleport yourself to another world where you can be whatever you want with almost no limitation and is so fantastic that you forget about your problems to the point that you can de-stress yourself and clear your mind in order to have better reasoning in order to deal with your problems, obviously anything is perfect but you dedicate a reasonable amount of time to games it will be helpful for you, there will be always the risk you getting addicted to video games but most of the people are aware of the time that they have to spend gaming in order to have a stable life. An area of the computer industry that is interesting me the most right now is the artificial intelligence because is incredible how a machine can take decisions on its own and learn from their environment in order to always make the most efficient decision and with all that we can automate many of the things that we see on the internet and make them a lot better.


  1. Giancarlo Forero

    I agree with your point of video games being very addicitive. When I was much younger, I would spend days playing video games with little to no breaks, and I barley ever realized what I was doing. This of course hurt my grades, however my parents made sure to put restrictions on my playtime online. Do you think that video game companies should warn the consumer of their unhealthy lifestyle, or should it be the people around us who should let us know that were wasting our time unproductivly. Either way, I really enjoyed reading your submission.

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Gian makes a good point, asking about warnings, although you both should check out Luidjy’s post ;-). And what’s really interesting to me about Darly’s initial comments is her re-focus on artificial intelligence and how it’s going to impact people in the future. I wonder how much AI is going to influence the gaming industry; I mean, it’s already a major part of it…

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