"Game On, Python!"

Responsibility – Ria Arora

Gaming has the ability to promote the growth of the social responsibility skills of young people and, at the same time, poses a chance of developing undesired patterns of action. Therefore, the gaming community, or the computer industry does in general do have a responsibility to society. The popularity of playing video games and social media has grown immensely over the past decade. Today, many people spend their time on electronic devices playing games or using social media which has become the new influential platforms. It is, thus, their responsibility to ensure that the games or the websites follow society’s standards as well as help them tackle certain real life situations. Much of the focus must be on exploring the associations between computer games and real life. Developers should make such content that it reaches to a larger audience and touch as many people as possible. There are several adverse effects of gamification. Sometimes, the forum sends countless people to someone to pick on, and the teasing can get pretty intense. So, to stop abuse, it is the responsibility of the people operating these sites to ensure safety of all especially their personal information. They should have no room for bullying and in the circumstances and terminology they should make that very clear. A systematic solution should include effective incorporation of gaming into the lives of young people.

The area that interests me the most is “Do video games have a social responsibility?”. Since, most of the people are using this influential platform, it would be interesting to know more about how this platform is shaping the generations and what impact does it leave upon them.


  1. Akash Patel

    Wow, I really enjoyed reading your article. I agree with you that nowadays people are spending their most time on phones and laptops just playing games. This is where games are becoming one of the most distracting for a lot of people as they can’t focus on their work. They never realize the consequences of the overplaying of games. What I have seen last few years, video games are addiction which is a real problem for most people. Addiction to video games is often related to completing missions or beating someone to win games. This affects their mental health to weak, sometimes people get depressed when they lose, and etc.

  2. Muhammad Nasar

    I agree with you people are spending most of their time playing games and in social media. But playing game is affected part which can make us sick and put us in depression. However, I believe using social for few minutes is good but not for using it for hours.

  3. Jacquelyn Blain

    Really excellent points, Ria! Gamification is a very hot topic among educators these days, as I’m sure you know from being around Professor Cunningham since she really wants to make more fun, inventive games for students (ask her about it some time and listen to her get all wound up!). That implies a sense of responsibility among people in the industry, doesn’t it? Or does it?

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