"Game On, Python!"

Responsibility- Marc Polidor

Yes the computer industry in general have a major impact on society because of the media. The media can impact people in many ways such as behavior, influence, their future etc. The media can easily affect society because information can travel very fast and it can also reach many people around the world quickly. An example of this is police brutality. Since information can be spread quickly, people around the world can see how bad police brutality is and this can impact society because people will revolt.

If we are talking about community, the gaming community interests me the most because that’s when me and my friends can really spend time together and meeting new people to hang around with. Without the gaming community, I don’t think I’d have as many loyal friends I have today.


  1. Ria Arora

    Absolutely! The computer industry is the most powerful influential tool in today’s time. The information reaches from one corner to the other in seconds. But what responsibility does the computer/media industry hold in this? What type of harm or benefit does it provide us for which they should be held responsible? Is it their right to provide us with the wrong information or they do it on purpose? If they do it on purpose, should they be held responsible for it? Or we should consider the people who believe in such information to be held responsible?

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Go look at Shadman’s post… He talks about cyberbullying in the gaming community. I think you both have great points to make about this. Definitely worth doing some deeper dives into.

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