"Game On, Python!"

Responsibility- Emmanuel

The gaming community and the computer industry in general have a responsibility to the society simply for the fact that,  due to how the world we find ourselves in right now is basically all about technology so how game makers and other computer industries come up with the things and stuffs that their users might use should be in a way that might not offend any of their users or make them feel any certain way about how they might see the thing they are releasing onto the internet. Some responsibilities also ensure them analyzing and making sure the audience of their games meets the exact critics to understand and play the game and follow the instructions, making sure what they are sending out there will let the audience know and understand if they do not fall under that age group that should be allowed to play the game or gets themselves involved in such an action. The area that interest me the most are the gaming stuffs because, when it gets to gaming every teen likes to play on their free times even not on their free times they just play to play. I feel like the gaming community holds a huge responsibilities in our society as to how and why most teens can be found either playing online or with friends. And it interest me to find out that most of them actually follow guidelines that might let them know what exactly they need to do and understand in order to follow the expectations of what the game maker is trying to get them to do.


  1. Luidjy Damus

    You make a very good point but a video game companies first and most most important job is to make the games fun, we shouldn’t be putting putting this responsibility on them and expect them to adhere to it, the truth is most of them don’t know how to and others don’t want to, so we have to tell them.

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Both good positions. I wonder about the impact of the gaming communities themselves. Luidjy, you might want to take a look at what Marc is saying…

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