"Game On, Python!"

Responsibility – Akash Patel

I think the gaming community should have a responsibility to society because playing games for a long time can affect mental health, lack of sleep, frustration, depression, and etc.  Nowadays, games are developing rapidly, such as more realistic. As an effect of that people are getting more addicted to games. Therefore, it’s companies obligation to put a warning before the game so in a way, players can understand that overplaying games can be harmful to their health and among other issues. But, as time passes there is still a question, Does the gaming industry has done enough to realize their social responsibility? Although, I believe that the video games industry has addictive products that can lead to negative consequences on people’s lives. The area I am interested in is, “Do video games have a social responsibility?” because video games become a form of entertainment in current culture. Growing up I have played a lot of games where I have experienced that games can be addicted so quickly which can cause a lot of problems. Well knowing about the effects of the game, I would like to research about why games can’t be overused or overplayed, to know better about the situation. Moreover, the companies should acknowledge the fact of the games can affect people in various ways so they should take responsibility for it. 


  1. Ria Arora

    Totally agreed! People are surely getting addicted to games too much these days. I feel one reason might be this quarantine, I think it has been productive for some in the form of playing games, and now they have become addicted to it. But do you think by putting the warning before the game, people will reduce their time of playing?

    • Jacquelyn Blain

      That’s a good question. I also wonder if limiting playing time means less money for the company since the gamer won’t buy as many games. Maybe?

  2. Muhammad Nasar

    I totally agree with you playing game for long time can affect us because if we not take proper sleep which can make us sick and if we kept playing without even taking a rest than it’s not good for our eyes and mind. I also believe the same thing that people are getting addicted to games instead of sport. Mostly in these days.

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