When Baldwin says” the world is larger,” I think he means that there is more to see in the world than just the things that school teaches you and also he is being sarcastic in that phrase because he is telling you something that you already knew but you never give the attention that it deserver because school block you from doing it and he wants to make you realize that you are the one who let yourself get blocked and so you are the one who can pass through that barrier and discover all the beautiful and dark things of the world.


In my opinion, the school does not kill the curiosity of students, in the experience I had in school throughout my life school never get to kill my curiosity, maybe because I had good teachers because all the times I asked a question in school I always had an answer to it and that makes me think that what kills the curiosity of the students is not the school is the teachers because a teacher who likes to teach always have time to answer questions because they worry about what their students want to know and how not answering a question affects a student. Baldwin refers to curiosity in a very original way because he is playing with our mind by telling us that there always will be something in the world that we don’t know, he said “I would try to make [the student] know that just as American history is longer, larger, more various, more beautiful and more terrible than anything anyone has ever said about it, so is the world larger, more daring, more beautiful and more terrible, but principally larger” In this text, he is telling us to ask questions, NO! he is demanding us to be curious, he trying to get into our minds and destroy the wall that we and bad teachers create, he is challenging us to discover everything that was in front of our eyes but we never had the opportunity to appreciate.


My experience with technology fits perfectly with what Baldwin says I can even say that the technology was my Baldwin because technology is the thing that had have answered most of the questions I had in my life and is the thing that made my curiosity even bigger and takes me to where I am today. The thing that catches your attention the most about the internet is the fact that you have the answer to almost all questions you have or will have in your life and even if your question doesn’t have an answer you will always find a thousand points of view of people of all around the world that will help you to find your own answers. We should start researching with questions rather than answers because the questions are the things that will make you interested in a topic answers are really various, there will be always more than one answer to the questions and you have to ask and investigate in order to get an answer that you think that is the correct one for you because if someone tells you a thousand times that the sky is blue you will never believe in them if you don’t see it yourself.