From what I have seen the main ingredients for a digital literacy narrative. You should start with your background in digital literacy, which would be the moment you were introduced with any form of computer technology. Some forms of digital literacy include the ability to perform certain tasks like using web browsers, sending emails, using search engines, using Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, etc. When it comes to understanding technology, your background can have a demeaning effect on your computer skills, or it can be used to one’s advantage. I wasn’t always allowed to use the computer in my home when I was young, if I was then I would have developed many more skills. One of the narratives mentioned, “My parents were the types of people who believe, ‘technology is going to corrupt the new generation’.” With a mindset like that, someone might be scolded for spending countless hours on the computer. Some children even stop trying as hard on their schoolwork to get onto the internet for gaming, streaming services, and social media. So when doing assignments for class, some students might have to go through a learning curve with the remote classes. Another quote that I found was very truthful. It said: ” Although I now feel as though I can’t escape and ‘turn off’ the world of communication, this wasn’t always so.” I think this is true because I can not imagine my life without my phone at least for a day. I would not be able to communicate with my family and friends or when I am bored I usually use my phone so the time can go faster but I do not know what I would do in a situation like this without my phone. Everything is online now, books, movies, music, and even school. It was not always like this, kids used to go to the library and read books, do homework, etc. Nowadays, most kids search for everything online because it is easier and faster. It is never going to be like before because people can not get enough of the phones. I think might be a good place to get started with your own DLN is getting a phone and computer. Getting used to new technologies, its operating system, see what kind of things it does. Maybe register at some social media. My concerns are that this is not something easy to write and the information should be helpful, so it can be useful and another concern, or maybe even a question is what if I am wrong and people should do something else.