English is a common language. It has many forms and ways of speaking. Not everyone sounds the same when they speak English, some people may have a natural sound than others. I think English has had an impact on all cultures throughout the years. It has become the language to be spoken almost in most countries where it could be a second language for most of them in their learning process. Learning English is not that easy because it takes practice and time to learn grammar structure, how to read, write and listen. It’s very important to learn and speak as you work.


To talk about my personal experience with English, is not that good since, from the beginning, I am not good at English. Back in my country, I had an English class but never had skills in speaking proper English and writing. It could be very tough when you never speak that language and you have to speak instantly to someone. At first, when I started speaking in English I used to speak in broken English because it wasn’t perfect as people can understand. Before I used to work in customer service and one of the things I deal with every day is struggling to understand what a person asking for what they don’t speak English. However, as I started observing people and having more focus makes me understand much better English. To talk about formal English, we may use it with a professor, relatives or in work situations it’s an example of where it could be spoken.


We all have our own way of speaking English in different places. It’s a language that people should not be embarrassed about because they talk with different accents which are called “proper English”. One thing to mention from “Mother tongue” is “Asian-American students whose English spoken in the home might also be described as broken or limited” (Page 3). People grew up in different places in which they have their own language. Nowadays, students who traveled to other countries are having trouble speaking English, since they are used to their own language therefore, they could be spoken in broken English. After all, they give the most important to the language they are comfortable with their family or friends.