Reading in this generation is something because most students are reading for the sake that they need to know to pass their text or their school work they don’t actually read it for the purpose of understanding. So when Ellen Carrilo is worried about the fact that students only read something not to understand or care about the meaning residing that kind of idea the book is trying to portray, she is totally correct and I agree with her too. Me being a student and knowing I do this on the basis makes this whole statement Ellen is making about we the students just so true. There might be a time where you would feel like you are studying just because you want to pass this one class and get a better grade and with that, you would study or read for the context itself and not for the understanding of what you reading. The difference I think it makes is that, when you are reading just to read or to pass an exam, you will tend to forget anything you learned after you did what you needed to do. But when you study for the purpose of you trying to understand the context and know any details about how the whole thing came up it the reason and meaning behind the story of what you reading, then you will end up knowing a lot more than you would ever imagine because you always striving to know more.
She was right when she said reading online makes us better at one than at the other, and that’s not good. This is because taking Wikipedia as an example, Wikipedia is a place where people gets their own chance to change how something was said and basically reading online sometimes you might find it difficult trying to know the main source and understanding behind the topic that was raised due to how people can open their laptop go online and twist a thing or two that was said about a text or any context.
The experience I have had about what she said from section p. 146-153 was when she said something about “Meeting student’s needs by focussing on Annotations and Modelling Exercises”. When I first started 9th grade, I was this type of student were I would just read the question or the article and answer the questions that I needed to answer after the article. When I was first introduced to annotating it was at first not that easy but I cope around and worked my way around and now when I am reading an article I feel like with the need of you annotating you get this kind of understanding regarding what the text is trying to say.
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