Dear Xuefeng, Zheng

This is Xuefeng, such means I am the past of you. When you see this mail, I wasn’t there already. I know it very hard to get to this step. College is ever as easy as what “they” talking about. And the first year of college is the most difficult year to start with. During the time we are in a terrible pandemic. Everything starts on-line. I feel so confused and nervous. However, I believed you already get through this. Actually, I have nothing to tell you, because what I been through is what you been through. So I hope you wouldn’t be reget to any choices I made. And I wish you are better than me on everything. That means I will make some changes in the future and it’s in a positive way. Right now, I am making up works because I didn’t find out for the first time. I hope you changed your “thoughtless brain”.

I can feel all the college stuff is messed up. However, the more difficult we can go through, the more strong we are. Even though this is a trash year. Otherwise, after these, you will be stronger and smarter. I know the past of me fill up with faults. But, I build you in the future. I mean you don’t have to be the best in society. At least, don’t let yourself disappoint. Don’t let me disappoint even I already disappear. Remember, I’m always with you.