To my future self, congratulations you have probably made it through your first semester of college.  Hopefully the switch to college hasn’t been to difficult for you. Regardless of difficulty level I expect you to have put in whatever level of work was required to achieve all A’s. If our grades aren’t at an elite level I know I will feel great regret, for we are in college and it is essential for you to have put in all the effort you could’ve. You know better then anyone the anguish you felt when you realized how foolish of a mistake it was to not put your full effort into your academic career, so I expect you to have not even made one mistake, and if you have, you better have learned from it. I’m probably being harsh on you considering that online learning may be difficult because you don’t really have a good place to work, but you MUST remember your goals and how important it is to reach them. Both to you and your family.

Though it may seem shallow, you know that this image is exactly what you’re chasing. You are looking for absolute financial freedom and stability, all in order to give your family the best possible life. Just recalling your goal or seeing an image like this should flip a switch in your head, and give you the motivation needed to do well in college.