Hi Darly of the future If I’m reading this is because I made it through the 1st semester, thanks for being persistent through the semester and if you made it through this one you can make it through all the others is just time that will pass even if you are in college or not and at least you are doing something productive with your life and if you think is difficult think about it this way, when you get to highschool everything was difficult for you, even tho that you got lots of help and you made it through and by the years were passing you needed less help each year because you got used to it and is the same in college is just getting use to the things, difficult things but you know more than anyone that anything is difficult if you put enough time and effort to it, I know you, you are lazy and you give up easily but you know how to identify when something is important and if you want to accomplish everything or most of the things you aim to, you will focus and you will get to it I trust you and I’m talking to you like this because I know that you will not be the Darly that is writing now you will be a different person because like everybody you change and I hope I change for the best of my self.