Hello my name is Muhammad Nasar and I’m from Pakistan but at this time I’m living in Wood haven Queens. It’s my first semester in City Tech  College. Being an online student is this pandemic situation is quite interesting but at the same time is distracting. So far I’m not actually happy about online classes because it’s hard for us to make new friends and communicate with people. However, the experience I had in the past was very stressful because staying in front of the computer gives me a headache. This online experience seems difficult but I hope it will go interesting.


Picture below shows where I raised and who I am today. This picture is really connected to me because this is the type of place where I love to play badminton. Badminton is my favorite game to play, when I play badminton it changes my mindset relief the stress, headache and just makes me feel fresh. I started playing badminton when I was 7 year old. I learned it by playing alone with the open wall as the day were passing I started playing tournaments and becoming better every day.

best village badminton final game - YouTube

My hobby is traveling, I love to travel to new places,  see their culture, meet with new people. However, I have two goal in my life.  My first goal is to complete my education get a good job and help my dad in our business which is Construction company. My second goal is to complete my family wishes and help poor people.