Dear Future Self,
I know you were nervous when the semester started and you were worried if this whole thing was gonna go your way or was you gonna have a hard time trying to work your way around this whole online thing. But I know you accomplished a lot, you stayed focused and your whole semester went as you expected and I am proud of you. Know things will get worse at times and you will feel like giving up but trust me it is all worth the push and hard work. You probably reading this smiling because you know everything I am saying right now was accomplished and you did what you did and worked yourself around finding new friends even though this whole online crisis thing going on around. Your goal of passing this class with flying grades finally came through, you literally tried your best and worked so hard and finished this whole thing cheerfully. You made it and you are this close to achieving your goal keep it hanging and push through because you didn’t come all the way here to quit so keep it going from here and you will achieve a lot.
This is so inspiring.
Thank You