"Game On, Python!"

Intro 1

Hello, My name is Shon Mack Jr and I am a 18 year old African American male. To begin my introduction, one word that I believe describes my initial feelings of this course is excited due to the fact that this a brand new learning experience. I’m in a whole new environment (kinda because I’m at home on a computer) and after COVID-19 I can do different college activities and all in all have fun while at the same time take my education to a higher level. Although I am excited, there are some things that concerns me such as “What if the work is too much to handle?” and “What if I get lost while doing the work?”, you know, typical thoughts that any college freshman would have. But then I think about how much I’ve worked in the past to even get me here in the first place, and how many people depend on me and want me to succeed, basically my support group. That is basically my motivation, plus this can land me more job opportunities which can brighten up my future.Music & Performing Arts - Twitch

Above is something that is very important to me. Music. It’s there when I’m going through the motions. Happy, mad, sad, excited, chill, no matter the mood I can listen to music because different artists make different music for different moods. It’s almost like therapy for the mind. Music is there at all times to be honest.


Now my name, as said before it’s Shon Lamar Mack Jr. My name was copy and pasted from my pops name of course. The weird thing about that is its literally pronounced SH-ON. Not Sean or Shawn. Nah in all seriousness I don’t care which way you say it I be joking. But, my last name might change, but that’s a wholeee ‘nother conversation that I’m not gonna get into. Just know I’m proud of the name change that’s soon to come

But yea that’s intro number one of Shon Mack Jr. Looking forward to the class later this week.


  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    Okay, SH-ON :-). Names are so weird — so many people gets our wrong and then WE try to make THEM feel better about it. What’s up with that?

    Anyway, this class is a gamer’s paradise, so I’m glad to see somebody likes something else! Music has always been an important part of my life, too, so I totally relate.

    And yes, getting organized to do the work, and making sure you get yourself to actually DO the work… that’s the tricky part. I’m nervous myself for that very reason! But I’m sure you’ll find lots of support in this Learning Community. Check out other people’s posts, see if they like music, too, or we’re just stuck with a bunch of gamers (lol ).

    • Shon Mack Jr

      Don’t get it wrong, I love games too lol. It helps along side the music

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