Instruction manual for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3

For this post I’ve decided to describe and evaluate the manual for the Samsung galaxy note 3 smartphone. The manual has twelve different sections in total of 245 pages. Each section focuses on a specific function of the phone. The first section of the manual starts with explanation on the basic fundamental functions such as starting up the phone and how to charge it. Then moving on to the next sections where they show the user how to make a call, the types of features that is on this phone, methods to use to add your contacts, how to use the camera functions on taking pictures and videos, accessing and changing the settings of the phone, mobile and WiFi connections, applications that are implanted on the phone, and the last three sections provides the information on warranty, product registration and health and safety. Each section features pictures to provide a better understanding for the users on what button he or she needs to press as well as where the button is located.

The featured picture also shows usage examples of each features on the phone, let’s take the s pen feature for example, the manual provided a clear image showing the functions of the s pen in writing down a contact’s number and adding them into the contact list, and draw or write on screen captured pictures. The manual provides detailed information for each icons that is featured within the smart phone, and the usage of the command keys.

In my evaluation, this manual has done a great job in providing clear and easily accessible information. It provides great clarity in term of separating the functions of the phone into twelve different sections, with each focusing on a certain part of the phone, and featured images showing each steps with written instruction above the image. This manual was easy and to the point, since it provides images of each step, anyone that is literate will be able to follow the guide without any difficulty. This manual was easily accessible because it’s uploaded on to a website and are available to everyone, it also comes with the smart phone when you purchase it. The Samsung galaxy Note 3 Manual.