Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2022

5/9/22 Freewrite: Thinking about your Unit 3 project

, write an abstract (description/summary of your project) that answers the following questions, not listed one by one (like Question>>Answer, Question>>Answer), but in paragraph (more of a narrative) form. Describe your project to anyone potentially interested in your topic. Our free writes have been similar to this for the past week and a half or so, and the reason is that I really want you to think about how your research topic connects to you personally and why you care about it (even if that means writing about the fact that your research topic will lead to the kind of good job that you want). Repeating is fine, if the reflection clarifies our ideas to ourselves! Here are the questions to address, in narrative form, to post in the comment section below:

  1. How did you decide upon your research topic? Be specific.
  2. In what way do you feel personally connected to your topic (i.e. why do you care about it)?
  3. Provide a 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in the Reflective Annotated Bibliography in Unit 2) 
  4. What is the specific audience you are trying to reach (I know youā€™ve shared this with me, but Iā€™m wondering if your ideas have changed or evolved since you started. ā€œEveryoneā€ is not a sufficient answer) and why they should care?
  5. The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it (some of you have changed your genre)
  6. A plan ā€“ now that youā€™ve written your first draft, how do you think you can improve this project?
  7. Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project? 


  1. Geovany Flores

    I was first thinking about how was I going to make something simple but interesting but thereā€™s not much simple but really complex, so I came up with topic ā€œwhy Nigerians lack from waterā€ I thought about it many time and I was pretty sure that was going to be the one, but once I started writing and search I didnā€™t get that much sources to get information from, I went back and took my time and I came with a new topic and decided to change , then my new topic was ā€œwhy nikola Tesla was obsessed with numbers 3,6,9?ā€ It just sounded interesting while thinking about that. I began my search, and got more interested about it because Iā€™m pretty sure many people like me love myths, facts or any other type of topic out of this planet. I began to care about this topic because Iā€™ve heard a lot of the inventions that Tesla created and they were really interesting at some point but many people have forgotten how important all these prototypes were and still nowadays we still use them. When writing about this topic I want my audience to feel empathy, and the feeling of reading more and knowing more about it. I want to show the grammar as good as I can, I want to try my best in giving a good essay. I am interesting in young people like me who are passion about what they do, it can also be kids since nowadays many of them are interesting in space and how the universe work also Iā€™m looking forward to see old people reading about this article because maybe someday they had the dream to know more about nikola Tesla how brilliant his ideas were. Iā€™m looking my gente to be a narrative one because I think that talking about someone that itā€™s not alive anymore in a narrative essay will get more attention then doing something else, I was also thinking about a comic but since we donā€™t really have that much time I just not able to make but we never know probably in the future days I change it. I still have not done my first draft but Iā€™ve done half of it and Iā€™m thinking of changing some ideas because the ones that are already in there are too simple but not complex or very detailed. There are not that many things that worry me but just my grammar and the connection/ideas I will be making.

  2. Aleksandra Patyra

    My research topic is about oral health and it relates to the overall body health. I decided upon this topic because my goal is to become Dental hygienist and the main task in hygienistā€™s work day is to educate patients. It was always very interesting for me how everything in our body is connected. That is why I wanted to make more people aware that mouth is also a part of out overall health. When we wake up with a headache it might a symptom of grinding and that could lead us to a diagnosis of anxiety disorder. Researching to my project is fun and very interesting. I learn a lot. My major would be in dental hygiene so I am sure this research project will help me in my future classes. I am trying to reach adults who are parents, students and also patients. I know my text wonā€™t be easy to read by children so thatā€™s why I think parents should read it and educate their kids from the very first tooth how to brush and floss. I chose to write in an essay form just because I think it is one of the easiest way to reach my audience. In my next draft I would like to research more about the diseases I mentioned in my first draw and also find more connections between teeth and overall health. I am only worrying about not being able to explain the problem enough so itā€™s as important to other people as it is to me. It is my first time writing this kind of text and I am not sure if I am going to do a good job.

  3. Tayef Rahaman

    Name: Tayef Rahaman
    ENG 1101 ML D105
    Professor Joshua Belknap
    Date: 05/09/22

    I am really interested in this topic because I love cars. And I think my project will let you know why the car industry and gas companies are raising their price. Our personal vehicles are a major cause of global warming. Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly one-fifth of all US emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas. About five pounds comes from the extraction, production, and delivery of the fuel, while the great bulk of heat-trapping emissions more than 19 pounds per gallon comes right out of a carā€™s tailpipe.In total, the US transportation sector which includes cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships, and freight produces nearly thirty percent of all US global warming emissions, more than almost any other sector.Unfortunately, oil-related emissions may rise in the coming years as the oil industry extracts and refines ā€œunconventionalā€ oils, such as tar sands and tight oil. Using less oil and avoiding unnecessary emission from the oil we do use is the real solution.Solutions are here .Fuel-efficient vehicles use less gas to travel the same distance as their less efficient counterparts. When we burn less fuel, we generate fewer emissions. When emissions go down, the pace of global warming slows.Cleaner fuels produce fewer emissions when theyā€™re burned. Some fuels such as those made from cellulosic biofuels can reduce emissions by 80 percent compared to gasoline. And better regulations would help prevent the gasoline we do use from getting any dirtier. Electric cars and trucks use electricity as fuel, producing fewer emissions than their conventional counterparts. When the electricity comes from renewable sources, all-electric vehicles produce zero emissions to drive.These and other solutions are here today but more can be done. Learn more about our plan to Transform Transportation.

  4. Adam Bajwa

    I decided upon my research topic by subcategorization of the main topic which was ā€œScience and Technologyā€. After some research I came up with modern technology but I had to change my topic because it was a very vast topic and it also had sub categories so I had to look up for some new topic which had articles and blogs that were easy to find. I ended up writing on ā€œMobile Phone Addictionā€ . It was easy and had many articles and blogs related to it on google scholar. I feel like Iā€™m personally connected to this topic because I found the topic interesting and I feel that people need to be educated on how people have changed over time just because of one device and what are the disadvantages of being an addict to the mobile phone. I want my audience to learn how excessive use of mobile phones can affect your life and what happens if you get addicted to mobile phones. The audience Iā€™m trying to reach is the younger generation and also the elders because youngsters are not the only ones addicted to mobile phones. The genre I choose to write is a blog or article, I choose it because nowadays people read blogs and articles more than newspapers or anything else so that is why I choose this genre. Now that I have written my first draft I can improve my project by researching more and writing more about the topic. Iā€™m worried about the explanation of how to write everything and how to make a sequence in writing.

  5. Laziza Naimova

    So basically I was interested in my topic which is about Covid-19 since it started, I was interested how did it happen and where did it came from. I chose my research topic which is, “What has Covid done to heighten the tension in the struggle between faith and science?” And my purpose for my research topic was to tell a little bit of my self and how this topic related to me and another purpose was to tell people especially adults more about the faith and science during the covid-19. I care about my topic because as I mentioned I had negative effects from covid, also I care about my topic becuase covid has raised my faith more into my religion then science and I am so happy about it.
    I chose to inform my audience by providing them with examples of how covid affected some people of faith and people who believe in science during pandemic. Also I want to give my opinion about how pandemic affected people of faith and people who believe in science. And I’m trying to reach specifically scienctists and religious people especially adults because I feel like my topic will be more interesting to adults who are more religious and scietists, however people who are under 21 would not really be interested in my topic because in my opinion people under 21 is not really interested in science nor religion nowadays.
    The genre I chose to write in my project is the public lecture and I chose this genre instead of a conventional research essay because I felt that the public lecture is a good way to bring physics (and science in general) concepts to individuals who normally would not have exposure to these, to excite people about physics, to encourage people to become more interested in physics and finally as I mentioned I would like to give my opinion about how pandemic affected people of faith and people who believe in science.
    Now that I have finished my first draft of this project, I’m planning to revise and make some corrections after I receive my first draft with a feedback on it.
    The only thing I am worried about is my final grade to be honest.)

  6. Soufiana Togola

    My final research paper is about deforestation, the reason I choose this topic is because Deforestation is the purposeful clearing of forested land. Throughout history and into modern times, forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction. Deforestation has greatly altered landscapes around the world.The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.Deforestation affects the people and animals where trees are cut, as well as the wider world. Some 250 million people living in forest and savannah areas depend on them for subsistence and incomeā€”many of them among the world’s rural poor.
    Affected by Cargill, Walmart, JBS,etcā€¦..The US-based company has a long history of destruction and is one of the biggest companies that contribute to deforestation, according to a report by NGO Mighty Earth.
    Many advantages on deforestation are that: It creates usable land for human expansion
    It is a revenue generator
    It creates a chance for discovery
    It creates jobs
    It gives us materials
    It provides tax revenues
    It can ease overcrowding issues
    The disadvantages to deforestation are an increased amount of carbon dioxide emissions and soil erosion as well as the destruction of forest habitat and the loss of biological diversity of both plants and animals.

  7. Soufiana Togola

    I decided to write about my research topic which talks about the causes of deforestation because it plays a huge role in our society and I also found it so interesting to write about because it speaks about our environmental issues which should be regarded by everybody before it creates huge problems in humanā€™s life. I felt personally connected to this topic in a way of seeing many advantages that creates usable land for human expansion, creates a chance for discovery, creates jobs, gives us materials, and can provide tax revenues, and can also ease overcrowding issues. Provide a 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience (the most important thing you learned in the Reflective Annotated Bibliography in Unit 2)
    Deforestation is affecting the world in a very negative way. It is unnecessary and causes the climate to change negatively and forests cover 30% of the worldā€™s land area, large patches are lost every year due to deforestation. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests or a wide area of trees. People need trees. Deforestation is unnecessary because the water cycle is being negative and trees are a big part of it, also 1.6 billion people rely on the resources from the forest, and global warming is also being affected negatively. The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it (some of you have changed your genre)
    Fiction genre and a bit of essay
    A plan ā€“ now that youā€™ve written your first draft, how do you think you can improve this project?
    I think I can improve this project by adding more details on it following up by doing more research. Anything you might be worried about. What are your concerns about finishing this project?
    I’m really not worrying about anything but to be on point and be able to finish up my assignments early on time.

  8. Emely

    I decided upon my research topic because itā€™s important to educate people that arenā€™t aware of the impact of diabetes on their oral health. The impact of diabetes on diabetic patients is a serious issue that most diabetics arenā€™t aware of. Itā€™s important to encourage diabetics to properly create a healthy relationship with their oral health. When I turned 15, I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Back then, I thought I was taking care of my health overall, but my oral health was excluded from it. I lived by the thought that “if I brush my teeth twice a day it would be enough”, but itā€™s not! For a diabetic or any other patient to be on a right track, they should get checked on regularly by their dentists. Once I got advised by my dentist, I started to create my routines, and my oral health and physical health improved. In this project, diabetic patients are my intended audience for this project. Diabetics should care about this issue that they are at a high risk of developing since it affects and causes pain in their lives. Oral complications in diabetics not only affect the mouth but other organs can be severely damaged. The genre Iā€™ve chosen for this project is a video presentation, itā€™s the best way to show my audience the effects and symptoms that they may experience from any oral ailment that they are at risk of developing. My concern used to be the proper genre to use for my intended audience but Iā€™ve determined to make a video presentation.

  9. Carla Dormil

    On the day of the brainstorming, the professor gave us a couple of ideas for the research topic and said we could narrow it down. I remembered talking to another prof from my other class about race and the idea came to research discrimination. I thought we cannot speak of discrimination without speaking of racial profiling, race, or Ethnicity. Then I recalled being recently judged by a customer because of my race, so I thought l write about that.

    2- I feel connected to the subject because it’s a subject I have chosen. With a subject chosen by yourself, you are more excited and passionate to talk about it.

    3. I’ll provide a statement from a book, there’s a specific chapter that talks about the subject of my research topics and one site that provides what I need!

    4.The audience I’m trying to reach is my comrades so I can teach them to not do things like that and when they feel it could happen to someone else to stop it from happening.

    5.I wrote it as an essay first to see how it goes and what could be changed, but it is going to be a presentation to be more effective and take questions from my audiences if they have any.

    6.Now I think I need to add experiences from some other people, how that affects their lives and what changes how they see the world.

    7.I worried about the subject not being interesting to my comrades and they don’t feel related to racial profiling.

  10. Sabina Akhi

    My research topic is the narrative language this topic is my own experience because I come from another country l am not American English is not my first language is Bangla and my second language is English. first time comes to America I am not toking English too much thatā€™s why Iā€™m not going outside l stays home all the time. I donā€™t have a friend either a
    One of the interesting things about it was that it seemed obvious, but it made the research process more fun and exciting for me. But at first, it was very difficult for me to fix things Iā€™m looking for my genie to be a narrative one because I think that talking about someone that itā€™s not alive anymore in a narrative essay will get more attention than doing something else, I was also thinking about a comic but since we donā€™t really have that much time I just not able to make but we never know probably in the future days I change it. I still have not done my first draft but Iā€™ve done half of it and Iā€™m thinking of changing some ideas because the ones that are already in there are too simple but not complex or very detailed. Iā€™m worried about my own experience and the explanation.

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