Emely’s Profile

Active 9 months ago
Display Name
Major Program of Study
Dental Hygiene

My Courses

ENG 1101 ML (D105)

ENG 1101 ML (D105)

This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing. Simultaneously, we will focus on language enhancement. This co-requisite focuses on reading comprehension; critical thinking; the structured writing process; rhetorical awareness, writing in diverse genres, grammar, mechanics and cross-cultural rhetoric and communication; listening and spoken communicative competence.



Dental radiology provides the student with the knowledge and experience necessary to work efficiently and safely with x-radiation and radiographic equipment in the dental environment. This course is designed to perfect performance in specific intraoral radiographic techniques and in radiographic interpretation skills

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2024

Periodontics 1217 Spring 2024

DEN 1217 is a 2-credit course that fulfills the competency requirements for periodontics in an associate degree program. This course will provide a foundation for the prevention and management of periodontal diseases within the scope of the dental hygienist practice act. An emphasis on these topics will include but not be limited to assessment, etiology, pathology, histopathology, and role of inflammation in periodontal disease, as well as periodontal assessment and classifications of periodontal diseases. The goals of this course will be the application of theory to the clinical setting, treatment modalities, and therapeutic and preventive periodontics in the contemporary dental hygiene practice setting.

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

DEN 1100 Fall 2023 – Principles of Dental Hygiene Care I

DEN 1100/1100L is an introduction to the didactic concepts and clinical techniques and principles involved in the practice of dental hygiene. Emphasis is on the principles of optimal patient care involving: aseptic techniques, patient assessment, personal oral hygiene and plaque control, fundamentals of instrumentation and related body mechanics, principles of instrument sharpening, and emerging modalities. Basic principles and elements of social and behavioral sciences are reinforced.

My Projects

Dental Hygiene Program Through The Student’s Lens

Dental Hygiene Program Through The Student’s Lens

This site is an introduction to the Dental Hygiene program at CityTech for our prospective and pre-clinical students. Please learn more about our program by clicking ‘Visit Project Site’ on the right. Take a tour of our department, meet our amazing students, faculty and staff, and we hope you will be inspired! — iFaA Raizer-Amit and Prof. Anna Matthews

My Clubs

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