2/7 Questions for “How to Read Like a Writer”

Please read “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn and write a response to the questions below. I prefer it if you respond to this post directly, but if you choose you may create a new post.

  1. What did you think of the piece? Did you like it? Or not? Why. Explain! (Don’t worry my feelings won’t be hurt! Be honest!)
  2. What tips or ideas did you learn about how to Read Like a Writer? How might you apply it (use it) when you read?
  3. Can you explain what you think the author means when he says, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74). Be specific. Share a personal example, if possible.
  4. Let’s think about the “context” of this text. What is the author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece? Who is his intended audience?
  5. What is the genre of this text? Its okay if you don’t know! Just give it a shot! (essay, article, poem, etc.)
  6. What did you notice about HOW this text was written? Choose one observation!

2/9 Questions for “How to Tame a Wild Tongue”

Please read the story “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua, and answer the attached questions using complete sentences. Please share your responses on OpenLab here by February 14th.

2/14 Writing about the Peer learning experience

You have been intentionally grouped to discuss the language in How to Tame a Wild Tongue with one Spanish speaker, who takes on the role of expert, and two non-Spanish speakers, who are learners.  Please write a one-paragraph description of your experienced based on whether you were an interpreter/expert or a learner. Make sure to explain how you benefited from the experience since an important percentage of the story is in variations of Spanish. Please hand in by February 16th.

2/16 Summarize How to Tame a Wild Tongue

A strong summary starts with an “umbrella” thesis, includes the most important supporting points and has a conclusion that lets the reader know what the overall story is about. Using the “Summary Template” under “resources” in Open Lab, please write a summary, no longer than 6 sentences, of How to Tame a Wild Tongue. Please submit by 2/16.

2/16 Summarize Safwat Saleem’s Ted Talk “Why I keep speaking up

Both Saleem and Anzaldua describe being outsiders in their American environments.  Summarize the video, “Why I keep Speaking up
” and post as a comment in the Student Work Section of Open Lab.  Be prepared to discuss the relationship between the educational experience Anzaldua has and that of Saleem. Please submit by 2/18. 

2/21 Comparison between note taking while listening and while reading

We are all different types of learners, but are not always aware of our strengths and weaknesses as learners.  Please read “First Day” by Edward Jones (Open Lab) , and take notes as you read in order to develop a cohesive summary.  Next, listen to the recording of Edward Jones (Open Lab) as he reads the story “First Day,”  and take notes.  Next, compare your notes and determine which process (listening or reading) is better for you.  Write a brief comparison describing the difference in your experience as a listener and a reader. Please submit the comparison by  February 23rd

2/23  Relationship between “First Day” and “The Interview with Edward Jones”

The story of “First Day” is not autobiographical, though it is clear that the author used his own personal experience as a means to explore and report the experience of his character.  Please read “The Interview with Edward Jones,” and create parallels between the two, Make a list of the commonalities between Jones’ personal educational experience and the one of the girl in the story.  Please submit by February 25th

2/23  Charting the Literary Devices in “First Day.”  (A hunt for language).

You have learned about how literary devices, use of the senses and dialog help to enhance a narrative story. Please fill in the chart (Open Lab) with the various devices you find in the story.  Please submit by February 25th. (Live  Link #4)

2/25 Creating your own imagery based on literary devices

You have had an opportunity to chart the literary devices in “First Day.”  Now imagine your own narrative. You are coming to the United States for the first time. You are not being asked to write the story. Only complete the same chart you used for “First Day” with your own language to show the story.  Please submit by sharing on gmail by March 3

3/2 End of Unit 1 Education Narrative Essay -Please submit by March 11

(Live Link to Unit 1 Education Essay on the Unit Assignment page.) 

3/2  Developing a new narrative ending 

We have read “Fish Cheeks” by Amy Tan and “Family Life” by Akhil Sharma.  Using our discussion and activities of the roles of writer’s voice, style, literary devices, style and plot line, please rewrite the ending of either piece. Please pay close attention to how the writer tells his/her story and try to emulate his/her style.   

3/2 Narrative Essay Unit 1  (This should link to the Unit Assignment Page)

Please share by Google Doc by 3/11 

3/9  Navigating Genre Points – Please read the chapter on Open Lab in Reading Material  and be prepared to share 5 points about genre that you found most interesting. Please be prepared to write about it in class on 3/11. 

3/11 Found Genre Assignment – Based on our definition of genre, please find 10 different types of genre that you come across in your daily life. Make sure the genre has text and that there is a form of discourse in the text.  Please email me photos of the 10 examples you have found. 

3/16 First genre presentation – You will present one genre example to the class with an explanation of its characteristics as a genre based on Steps 1 and 2 of a Genre Analysis power point we watch.  Review the powerpoint in Course Materials on Open Lab if you have questions about what you are looking for. Your presentation will include the vocabulary from Quizlet on Genre Analysis. 

3/18 Please use the genre analysis power point to apply points on rhetorical appeal. Analyze John Lewis’s speech (Open Lab reading materials) for rhetorical appeals. Please submit your topic for Unit 2 Final Project.

3/23 Please read “What is the ‘Rhetorical Situation’ and Why Should I Care About It?” by Laurie McMillan (Open Lab Reading Materials) and respond in writing to questions 1 and 2 p.104. Be prepared to discuss the reading on the Open lab discussion board 3/25. Be prepared to present your found genre to the class based on all 4 steps of the Genre Analysis. 3 minute presentation using the language of Genre analysis on Quizlet.