Professor Joshua Belknap | Co Req ML | Spring 2022

3/23/22 “Good Writing”

Free Write: In this reflection, think about words or terms that you believe are important in creating “good” writing (think about your own writing and your method of writing…what terms would you associate with this?). Generate a list of 5-10 terms and define them. Next give specific examples of authors and/or pieces that you believe use these terms and do so in a good way. Finally, tell why you believe the list you have created is important to writing, specifically your own writing. Post your reflection in the comment section below.


  1. Laziza Naimova

    I believe that these words/terms such as
    Conflict – a struggle, disagreement, or difference between opposing forces in a literary work, usually resolved by the end of the work.
    Characterization – the method used by a writer to make a character in a story seem like a real person. Common ways for writers to illustrate characters is through their speech, dress, actions, and mannerisms.
    Climax – the moment of greatest intensity in a work of fiction; the most exciting and important part of a story, usually occurring at or near the end. The climax is the turning point in the action.
    Diction – the choice of words, especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness, in a literary work. Writers will use words to reveal character, imply certain attitudes, convey action, demonstrate themes, and indicate values.
    Figurative language – language that does not mean exactly what it states but instead requires the reader to make his or her own association from the comparison. Examples: hyperbole, understatement, analogy, personification, euphemism, onomatopoeia, simile, metaphor, synecdoche, and metonymy.

    The example that I can think of is “Intertwined in Mississippi” by Soyon Im that I recently read and the author used figurative language in her essay.
    The reason I believe these words or terms are important to write well is because I myself use figurative language often and I think it makes the essay more interesting and climax is also a good term to use in an essay to show the most exciting and important part of the essay.

  2. Adam Bajwa

    The words and phrases to use to make a good writing are:
    Focus: have single clear central idea, should have a clear main point
    Development: support or expand the central idea, explanation needed
    Unity: should be related to the main point and other paragraph
    Coherence: should be organized logically, flow, smoothly and stick to main idea
    Correctness: should be written in generally corrected standard english, complete sentence,error free
    Idea and theme: It has to contain clearly identifiable idea and theme
    Voice: way of stringing words together, formulating ideas, and relating scenes or image to the reader
    Language (word choice): choose accurate word choices and well crafted sentences
    Grammar and style: grammar book and style guide should be handy and same throughout the whole writing
    Credibility and believability: in fiction the story must be believable and in non fiction accurate research.
    Conflict: a struggle, disagreement, or difference between opposing forces in a literary work, usually resolved by the end of the work.

    I think these words or terms are important to write because it makes the essay interesting.climax is also a good term to use in an essay to show the most exciting and important part of the essay.

  3. Emely

    Free write
    Emely Almonte

    I found a hook from Wayne W. Dyer. I liked this hook/quote since it’s clear and relatable.
    “Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.”

    Important words/terms for a “Good Writing” are:

    Clarity: It means how clear the writer is and it’s important since your story will be well understood if it’s clear.

    Coherence: It means the things you’ve written make sense.

    Connection: How you connect examples with other similar events/situations.

    Relatable: It means how others can relate to your story.

    Development: It’s important how you develop your story and the ideas you provide.

    Unity: Paragraphs should be connected or based on the main idea of your paper.

    I’ve read a book called “The Fault in Our Stars”. The author of the book is John Green. There is a quote from this book that says: “It’s a metaphor, see? You put the thing that does the killing right between your teeth, but you never give it the power to kill you. A metaphor”

    I liked how the author brought this metaphor. It’s clear and it’s connected to the climax of the story.
    – The character doesn’t smoke since he’s a cancer patient and that’s the reason why it would kill him faster.

  4. Aleksandra Patyra

    Entertaining – reader cannot get bored, too quick. The good writer should know how to entertained the reader.

    Detailing – For example in Stephen King’s books there are a lot of descriptions of characters, places. It gives the reader ability to be a part of the whole story.

    Clarity – The story need to be expressed in a clear way so the reader does not get confused

    Relatable – When a text is relatable people likes it because they probably already experienced something similar in their life.

    Reflectional – Some books make you think about yourself, somethimes would even influence you to change your behaviors. A book that left a print on my personality was “How to Unf*ck Your Brain” by Faith G. Harper.

    I am a big fan of Stephen King. I really like his literary work for begin very detailed and entertaining. Not by mistake he is being called a king of horrors. His books are full of amazing stories, characters and some of the books allow you to think about your own behavior. Reading other author’s book will help me a lot in writing my own texts. I also try to always look for as many details as possible to allow the reader to be a part of the story.

  5. Soufiana Togola

    Yes agree. Parents are an important part of a child’s education too. Curiosity, wonder etc should all be encouraged at home. Teachers do their best and get nothing but stick from people who know next to nothing about education beyond an article in the Mail. The home environment that encourages reading, learning, questions etc in a safe, loving, secure environment is more important in many ways than what goes on in school.
    From an individual child’s point of view, this is great. Kids should of course, in theory, be able to ask as many questions as they want, and get detailed answers.
    In practise, for a teacher who is trying to shepherd 30 kids through the learning process, I just don’t think there’s any way you can do that if you are stopping for questions every few minutes. There’s got to be a balance there, but just an endless string of question-answering overriding your lesson plan isn’t the solution. It’s the large class sizes that are the problem but shouldn’t be more than twenty in the class.

  6. Geovany Flores

    I think that the words such as;

    according to: referring to something about the author.

    bright : referring to something that really step out.

    composed: remaining clam over something.

    carful: anxious to protect something/someone.

    chronic: continuing occurrence .

    I believe this words are really important in writing because it help you define what is happening throughout the story, it help you to focus in one main object.

  7. Sabina Akhi

    Good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. Sentence Fluency that is smooth and expressive. Fluent sentences are easy to understand and fun to read with expression. Conventions that are correct and communicative.
    Definition of Apply
    Relate information to real-life examples; ask how information “works” in a different context.
    Academic argument is constructed to make a point, not to “argue” heatedly (using emotion).
    In written argument, the argument usually is crystallized in an essay’s thesis sentence.
    Whatever term you choose, it needs to be proven.
    Proof generally falls into two categories: facts and opinions.
    Usually you are asked to discuss an issue or controversy.
    Ordinarily, you are expected to consider how well something meets a certain standard. To critique a book, you might measure it against some literary or social value. You might evaluate a business presentation on the basis of the results you predict it will get.

  8. Tayef Rahaman

    Yes agree.Strong writing skills help you to communicate with others without having to schedule a meeting or phone call. They ensure readers understand the key points of what you’re trying to get across, come away with the ideas and impression you want them to, and, in many cases, take action to do whatever you’re hoping they’ll do.Parents are an important part of a child’s education too. Curiosity, wonder etc should all be encouraged at home. Teachers do their best and get nothing but stick from people who know next to nothing about education beyond an article in the Mail. The home environment that encourages reading, learning, questions etc in a safe, loving, secure environment is more important in many ways than what goes on in school.
    From an individual child’s point of view, this is great. Kids should of course, in theory, be able to ask as many questions as they want, and get detailed answers.

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