Due Date: October 27th

  • Logo History Final Report Due Next Week/Week Eight
  • Reading from Last week’s assignments should be completed
  • Final Visual Quote Projects Due Week Ten, both JPEGs and PDFs uploaded onto OpenLab with copy explaining each design concept

To Do

• Work on Final Version of Logo History Paper and, as we completed our OpenLab ePorfolio site during lab, you should work to post the Logo History paper on your OpenLab Site using the Block Editor

• Revise and Improve your Visual Quote Projects Based on Feedback During Our class Discussions this week

To Read and To Watch

  • Finish Completing Color Reading/Podcast from last week if you have not already done so.
  • Review the Vistaprint Video on CYMK Vs. RGB

Sketches of your Personal Logo

Start planning your Personal Logo. See resources I showed you this week. You can use any of the Adobe programs. You can hand draw it. It should have a banner that it sits on that can be part of the OpenLab web page. See mine above.

A Personal Logo Resource