

Part of Speech- Verb

Definition-agree to give or allow (something requested) to,agree or admit to (someone) that (something) is true.

Source- Webster Dictionary

Found in the Shakespeare sonnet 130 line 11

The definition of the word grants helps me better understand, what he meant in the context of the 11 sentence .When the word grant was used.That the poet was saying he never allowed  a goddess to go.



Part of speech- Dispel ( Verb)

Definition- make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear

Source- Webster Dictionary

Found in the essay ” Reading a poem; 20 strategies” in the first strategy.

The definition of the word Dispel in the reading helps me understand that reading poetry is not going to dramatically change your life, but it will help you pay attention more to what is happening in your life.



Part of speech: noun

Source: English Oxford Living Dictionaries

Definition: A rich, heavy silk or linen fabric with a pattern woven into it, used for table linen and upholstery.

Found in Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, line 5: My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun

Knowing the definition of damasked helped me to understand the line fully. A first I looked at ‘ I have seen roses damasked, red and white ‘ like what does that mean ? But now I see that the speaker is comparing his wife’s cheeks to the beauty of a tablecloth.



part of speech–noun

from Merriam Webster online dictionary

definition of poetry: “writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound , and rhythm”



Part of Speech– Adverb

Origin- Ostensible ( Adjective)

Definition– is used to describe something that seems to be true or is officially stated to be true, but about which you or other people have doubts.

Source: Collins Dictionary

Found in the essay ” Reading a poem; 20 strategies ” by Mark Yakich, in the fifteenth strategy

The definition of the word Ostensible or the word Ostensibly ( as used in the reading), helps me to understand it as a word used to describe something that may be true, but may not have facts that support it, hence might cause people to doubt it.




Part of Speech – noun

Definition: a word or expression that can be understood in two or more possible ways : an ambiguous word or expression

source: Merriam-Webster

This word is found in the essay ” Reading a poem: 20 strategies” by Mark Yakich, in the seventh strategies.

knowing the definition of the word ambiguity , helps me understand that specific strategy that is listed.  The speaker is using the word to tell the audience that there is one or more possible way of understanding a poem.