Atomaus Eating Noodles, Lee Dongi, 2003

One of the pieces that I really liked was Lee Dongi’s Atomaus Eating Noodles. The reason why I like this is because of it’s simple design with a really good use and sense of colors on the canvas. It especially compliments it because it seems like it was going for more of a pop art style being that it was in the early 2000s. Even though I am those people that really don’t like contemporary art, I really appreciate this kind of pop art and it really puts me in mind of two artists that I look at which are Sakurai Hajime and Madoka Kinoshita. Plus I really love and appreciate the cartoony aspect of it as well because I am someone that draws in that kind of style at times.


Rainbow Stripes I Paik Namjune, 1996

Another one of the pieces that I really liked from this exhibition is Paik Namjunes’ Rainbow Stripes I. The reason why is because of its unique use of different tools in order to create this. Where he uses the wall to color it into this flashy TV screen and uses an actual TV which also has a rainbow aspect in it. I also really love how clean the lines are for the TV screen and the use of brushstrokes for the characters/lettering as well. It gives an illusion that I am actually watching a static TV screen.


Ten Single Shots, An Jungju, 2013

Another piece that I liked from this exhibition is An Jungju’s Ten Single Shots. The reason is because of the way how the images are taken. It is supposed to depict people who move in response to sounds which their subject matter was about gunshot sounds/war. The dancers in these pictures would move with the feeling that they are going to die. I like how these pieces tell a story depicting someone who is dying from the war. I also really appreciate the lengths that the dancers went through to get the shot or moment of someone dying or falling to the ground.