Month: October 2021

Blog #4: I got the job!!!

As an update on my situation, I finally got the job!

The company that I will be now interning with is GivingForward. They were founded in 2020 and it’s a publicly small non-profit organization that helps other small non-profits. They would generate 50% of it’s revenue and donate it to those small non-profits. However, based on the viewers, it’s their choice on picking which they want to donate to. The real idea of this organization also is to build more web traffic into the site in order for others to check out their site. For my role, I work in the design department which creates or illustrates designs that will contact the attention of the viewers.

Blog #3:

**A small update with the job that my sister told me that I could do for this internship. I, unfortunately, couldn’t take the job due to it not applying to my actual major requirements. So, I am now back to square one ^^;

I’m back again to post my job hunting update. It has been a very stressful process so far for me. So far, I haven’t heard one word about the jobs that I submitted applications for.  This process for me is honestly the worst. Sure, getting the papers is one thing, but the actual waiting process is the most dreadful part of this entire internship process. Hopefully, they will reply soon and I can get started on working and putting hours in.