1.) What I was learning on this job with regards to the industry and the economy/business was communication. When It comes down to receiving feedback, communication is key, so I would have to go back and forth between my co-workers along with my supervisor in order to get some form of feedback.
2.) What I was learning on this job regarding the industry and economy/business was teamwork. When there were times when our supervisor couldn’t make it to a meeting, we as a team would have to critique each other’s work and give each other feedback that was needed in order to make our designs better.
3.) What I was learning on this job also regarding the industry and economy/business was time management. I still struggled with this at times, but this internship has made me improve somewhat because I would try to improve one thing before moving on to work on another thing and make sure that I don’t stress or strain myself when I try to design or illustrate ideas and such.
4.) What I was learning on this job also was the overall big picture. We as the workers for GivingForward had to watch videos and look through other resources to get an idea of what it is that we do as creators for this organization and get a feeling for the overall mindset that we need for it. A video that I watched that had to deal with the golden circle really opened my eyes to how I should create my designs with this video in mind. In a way, my design/idea had to tell a story and in a way, telling stories is something that I am pretty good at.