
My bacteria is named Yoshi, and Ollie after my pet Conure and Cockatiel respectively. I’m new to the game but read through the instructions that are part of the game. I focused on transmission first and for most, before I evolved any symptoms, so I can go unnoticed. Once the world was infected I spent my DNA on symptoms and cure resistance. I didn’t realize I could devolve the free symptoms until the second round.

Yoshi originally started in India. It took 45 days to infect 100 people and about 90 days to infect 1 million people. I focused on transmission I played with the insect and bird to help transmit the bacteria over land boarders. I also used air and water. Since I did not use any DNA points on symptoms, my first dead took 1year 7 months, but since everyone was infected it was all downhill from there.  Total organ failure, and by chance the walking dead combo appeared. Cure rate 35% Total 729 days.

Ollie began in the U.S. It took only 15 days to infect 100, and 6 months to reach 1 million. Since it started in the U.S. I received a text bubble that medicine is slowing the transmission rate. I upped the drug resistance I, and II as to not have a cure made before the total infection of the world. This time I only used air, and water transmission until I maxed out at Bio-Aerosol. I then de-evolved any symptoms that I received for free until the whole world was infected. Again one the world was infected I dumped my DNA into the symptoms until I reached total organ failure. This time I devolved the transmissions and was able to get necrosis which seemed to help speed the death rate. First person dead 1 year 6 months. This time the death rate shoot up quick with only 12% cure rate. Total 630 days.

Although I played this as a game to beat, I believe it really shows just how dangerous and easy a plague could spread in today’s society of easy intercontinental travel, and large group gatherings.


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