For the Final Exam, there is a short list of images. Please look under Class Downloads for the Short List for Final Exam.
As you study each work, please try to identify by the following parts:
1. Artist’s name, if known. Last names are best. (1 point)
2. Title (2 points)
3. Art Period (2 points)
4. Date (1/2 point)
5. Significance (3 points)
The terms for the Final Exam are:
history painting
Sun King
hierarchy of genres
plein air
The format of the Final Exam is similar to a quiz with one extra component: The total time for the exam is 50 minutes but you will have up an hour to complete the exam.
Final Exam Format
- Part 1: terminology for 5 vocabulary words/terms (15 points)
- Part 2: 10 slide identifications (85 points)
- Part 3: optional comparison essay (additional 25 points)
- You will be shown 2 images that you can write a short essay (approx. 6 sentences) comparing and contrasting the two artworks.
For the final exam, you can complete the optional comparison essay to earn 125 points on the final exam.