
  1. what I found very interesting for me by looking at all differents cities selfies that the majority of the people from New York City are very serious on their pictures than in other cities around the world. Thats why I was so surprised that my point of view was also demonstrate in the data. Which shows that in Bangkok and Sao Paulo people smile more than in NYC. Also that Moscow have 4.6 times more females selfies than male selfies.
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g singh: who takes selfies?

One thing that I found interesting on Selfiecity were the average smile scores for the five cities with Bangkok having the greatest average smile score and Moscow having the least. From the data, there were more selfies of women than men, but what surprised me was 82 percent of selfies in Moscow were of women which stood out when compared to the other cities. When compared to other cities New York had the greatest estimated median age of people who take selfies. New York is between the .5 and .6 range when it comes to people having smiles where as the majority of Bangkok and Sao Paulo were smiles.



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Selfiecity is a website designed to collect selfies from five major cities around the world. Many things are noticeable just as one may open the website including the difference in the number of male and female photos. Perhaps women show more interest in capturing their selfies and uploading them to social media. You may also notice that females put more effort into their selfies; they are mostly dressed up. Whereas for males I noticed they were mostly casual. I also believe age has an impact on the number of selfies taken within a certain group of people, this is when you see people in their twenties to their forties taking most selfies.

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Alexis Sosa: Who takes Selfies?

The data that caught my attention the most was the percentage difference in males compared to females that take selfies around these five locations. Regardless of the location there seemed to be at least a 10% difference in the amount of which gender took the most selfies with females being the majority in each one and in the case of Moscow there was even a 60% difference in male and female selfies being taken. This data was not to much of a surprise to me since I myself being a male don’t take many selfies that often, but seeing that this is a relationship that can be seen throughout different areas in the world really puts the question of why males take less selfies into perspective. In New York the data seems to be more balanced than any of the other four locations. We can see that the mood seems to be distributed evenly among the three categories, this can be due to New York’s varying weather having more of an effect on the people compared to the other four locations, but  there isn’t enough information provided in order to prove my reasoning.

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Dimitri Alexander Who Takes Selfies?

After exploring the website, “selfiecity,” I discovered some interesting facts, such as the amount of selfies taken that differ among various ages and genders. The average age of people who take the most selfies lies in the 20s range, which I find common due to the fact that I don’t personally know anyone over the age of 30 who take selfies.  The other fact that I found most interesting was the difference of selfies taken between males and females. Significantly, there is a dramatic difference between males and females in Russia who take selfies. 82% of selfies are taken by females, and 18% of selfies are taken by males. I believe the reason for this huge gap is due to society’s portrayal of the typical “man” and expectations that surround these false stereotypes, forcing men to comply to these ways in order to not be seen as misfits or outcasts.


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Homework #1

Hassan Sarfraz

Professor Cheng

ARTH 1101

    What I found most interesting while exploring selfiecity was the average smile scores. I didn’t know that it was possible to average how many people are smiling when taking selfies. In the average smile score statistic Bangkok was the city who averaged the most smiles with the score of .68. The city that rank the lowest was at .53 average smile score. New York was also on the chart at about .58 average smile score. The data in the findings section show New York competing against other cities in different selfie categories. For example the different statistics that were listed are average tilt heads, median ages, average smile scores, and etc.

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Rabia Batool…Who takes SELFIES??

Selfie is something i was never interested in not that i am not… i still am not. one of the main reason it doesn’t show entire body. But i found it very interesting as i was scrolling down on  of how some older man take more selfies than woman in their thirties. I always thought woman are the ones despite the age take more selfies than men. Not just because they are woman but because they have many things to show through their selfies than man like cloths, jewelry, latest fashion they adopted, hair cut and a lot more. One of the interesting fact that got my attention and i found it interesting  is that women strike more expressive poses than men by 50% for head tilt angle. One thing i always thought came out to be true is that young people take more selfies than of any other age. i found this  site very interesting and most important it’s accurate proven with data unlike many other site on internet these days.

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Kaitlin Soto: Who Takes Selfies?

After reviewing the website “SelfieCity” I found it interesting to see that so many people around the world, young adults in particular, take selfies. It’s almost astoundingly see that women are statistically more likely than men to take a selfie and to tilt their head in the picture as well. Drawing from my own experience I found that I’m more likely to catch women in the middle of taking a selfie than men. What really surprised me about selfies was that men over thirty are more likely to take a selfie than women of the same age. I thought the trend of women taking more selfies would remain constant but for some reason it shifted. Something that also caught my attention is that people don’t smile that often for selfies. Overall I found the website extremely insightful to the world we live in.

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Jessie Lemaire: Who Takes Selfies?

The findings on SelfieCity I found most interesting were that there is a significantly greater number of selfies taken by woman than men. To me, this is not surprising because it seems like this is likely. I always notice women taking selfies more often than men, it seems rare to me to see men taking selfies. Another finding from SelfieCity I don’t find surprising is the age range of people who take selfies. I would assume selfies are taken by a younger group of people. This is proven true when the median ages are presented as 21 for Bangkok and 25 in NYC. It is shown that most people don’t smile for selfies yet many tilt their heads. In my opinion, these are the main aspects of taking selfies.

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Guichang chen: Who Takes Selfies?

Selfiecity is investigating the style of selfies in five cities. It talks about people taking selfies     from different sites. Some data does surprise me and I find interest in it. By understanding the word “selfies”, it should be the photo of oneself, but looking at the data, we can see that only about four percent of selfies are actually the person oneself. Most of them are animals, objects, sports or their friends.People tend to not taking picture of themselves or they are more conformable with taking photo with something else, objects or other people.  people may feel awkward if they post the photo with their own in it. If someone does, he/she must be very confidence of himself/herself. By looking at the selfies, I find that people are not smiling naturally in the photo. They will give a smile, but that’s not by heart. People want to show their happiness to the community and hide the sadness of their lives. Moreover, according to the data, we know that women are more likely to take selfies than men do which is what is happening in this world right now. Women are very excited to share their lives to the public or to their friends by posting their selfies. People in NewYork are in the average of the five cities of smiling when taking selfies. We know that people who is living in New York will have pressure, but by comparing to other cities, they are not the saddest one, which can say that, people live in NewYork know how to relax on the weekend and get rid of the pressure.

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