Alexis Sosa: Who takes Selfies?

The data that caught my attention the most was the percentage difference in males compared to females that take selfies around these five locations. Regardless of the location there seemed to be at least a 10% difference in the amountĀ of which gender took the mostĀ selfies with females being the majority in each one and in the case of Moscow there was even a 60% difference in male and female selfies being taken. This data was not to much of a surprise to me since I myself being a male don’t take many selfies that often, but seeing that this is a relationship that can be seen throughout different areas in the world really puts the question of why males take less selfies into perspective. In New York the data seems to be more balanced than any of the other four locations. We can see that the mood seems to be distributed evenly among the three categories, this can be due to New York’s varying weatherĀ having more of an effect on the people compared to the other four locations, but Ā there isn’t enough information provided in order to prove my reasoning.

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